Hi there, I have just joined as everyone here seems very knowledgeable and I am at a loss to know what to do right now. I am vegan, and usually pretty healthy.
In December I went to my Dr as I was feeling very tired and run down, getting a series of minor infections and just not feeling myself. I was diagnosed with anaemia and Vitamin D deficiency and put on supplements for both.
Last week I went back to see a different Dr as my health has deteriorated further. I am constantly tired, achey, lethargic. I've gone from being able to run 5 miles comfortably to struggling to walk a few miles. I feel terrible. My Dr ran tests and the results came back as 'all normal, no action needed.' My Dr has told me to come off everything I am supplementing - which, as a vegan seems a little reckless!
I requested a copy of the results which show my B12 as 262 ng/L but my Folate level as being so high as to be off the charts (>20 ug/L). I have read that an excess of Folate can mask a deficiency of B12 - could that be the case for me? Even though there is a within-range figure for B12 on my blood results?
My Dr has basically told me there is nothing more to be done for me and I am desperate. I was healthy and fit just a few weeks ago and I feel completely helpless in this new, compromised state. Clearly my Dr is going to be no help but I need to get my health back on track. Any advice greatly appreciated, thank you