Hi im asking as no one seems to know , when we have blood tests while on ndt what should they be , im feeling so much brighter and healthier but as drs dont know im trying to get info, on all test we need and what should they be plz, , thanks louise
Blood tests on ndt thyroid -s: Hi im asking as no... - Thyroid UK
Blood tests on ndt thyroid -s

Louise, as NDT contains T4 and T3, TSH may be low or suppressed, FT4 may be low in range and FT3 high in range. There is no 'target' level as such but most people feel comfortable with TSH just above or below 1, with FT4 in the top 75% of range (unless lowered by taking T3) and FT3 in the upper quadrant.
Ideally, TSH, FT4 and FT3 will be tested but some NHS labs won't test FT3 unless TSH is suppressed and some won't test FT4 either when TSH is in range. You can order private FT4 and FT3 blood tests from Blue Horizon and Genova via thyroiduk.org
Thank you .for this very usefull. As dr knows nothing about ndt. And yes even though ive been told i need them nhs drs say not allowed to do other tests needed. So i can now order from there fab . Oh my t4 was 9.8 so dr told me to up again. I do this after 6 weeks but now im on 6 a day. Is there a maxium dose Feeling better though. Thanks again x
Do you mean you're taking 6 grains of NDT? That seems a high-ish dose but we need what we need and as long as you don't become hyper it should be fine.
Your T4 may have been low due to the T3 in NDT suppressing FT4. It's not a problem but dosing according to your FT4 may lead to over medication. If you feel hyper symptoms of heart racing, anxiety, jitteriness, diarrhoea skip a dose and reduce by half a grain. Post your results with lab ref ranges after you retest and members will comment/advise.
Thank you. I was on high dose of levo before . .if i feel a bit wired now i cut back . But nit hapoened latley. In fact before increase i put on 11 pounds in 2 weeks and was constipated again signs that i was hypo again. I self nedicate but have done lots of research brought hashimotos the route cause . And sttm book. Plus have my own group on fb. As found this such a lonley disease . I wanted to help others on this journey. But now id like to help my dr understand about ndt. Any suggestions. Thats easy to understand. . Thanks for ur help so far its been informative . Louise
Louise, I'm all for educating GPs about the benefits of NDT and T3. Maybe you could persuade him to sign this petition epetitions.direct.gov.uk/pe...
Mary Shomon, Dana Trentini and Gena Nolin will have info on NDT and all have fb pages.
Hi lou, glad it is working for you and you were prescribed ndt. You may want to look over these two articles as there is quite a bit of information regarding treatment. This website has been established by fellow sufferers.