I'm having trouble stabilising my dosage of Levothyroxine after it being stable for years and I wondered whether anyone out there had improved results by taking Levo at night as opposed to the morning. I have always taken it in the morning and I know it is supposed to be 1/2hour before eating but I don't know about you I often take my tablet, dash downstairs and grab my breakfast before getting on with the day!
I had 50, one day then 75 the next but then went 'toxic' last summer so dropped down to 50 for two days and 75 on the third. A few months again I had my review and my reading said that I needed to bumph it back to 50/75 on alternative days. I've done this now for two weeks but am staring to get the hyper symptoms, racing heart, unsettled, restless, shakey etc;
I have a good GP who always says to treat the patient not the illness so I know he would say to do what I feel is best for me regarding my dosage, which is great but wondered about dropping down to 50 a day but taking the dosage in the evening so as to get better absorption.
Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.