I have recently had a series of blood tests. - Thyroid UK

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I have recently had a series of blood tests.

11 Replies

One shows the Basophil count. The figures are 0.00 10*9L and the other figures shown are 0.02 0.1010*9L. The figures are shown in bold with an exclamation mark prior to the words Basophil count.

My G.P. tells me everything is in order. As these figures are shown in bold I wonder why.

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11 Replies

JohnPo,as I understand it, it is

the way the labs draw to the attention of the GP that a test is outside of the range. Then depending on result, the GP makes the judgement that treatment and/or further investigation is or isn't required.

Do the two results refer to the Basophil count and the Eosinophil count do you think? Or are they both Basophil results?

My Basophil lab range was 0.00-0.1010*9/L and if your lab used the same range, you would be absolutely at the low end, with both results.

My Eosinophil range was 0.10-0.7010*9L and if the second of your figures relates to that, then you would be slightly below range.

Low Basophil results can indicate hyperthyroidism (or pregnancy ..........) whilst a high Eosinophil result might indicate an immune or Endo problem.

So unless you are feeling unwell, your GP is probably correct.

Thank you for your reply.

The figures I have quoted relate only to Basophil. The print out I have shows two columns without any headings and I have quoted the left hand column first.

Hope that helps

Pardon my ignorance but what are(put simply!) Basophil count and Eosinophil count. Never come across them before. Thankyou

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Mrs_Somerset in reply to

Hi p1pp1ns,

not a silly question at all - I am no expert - but this is what I know ( hope it is right :-) )

generally speaking Basophil's and Eosinophil's are types of white blood cell

Eosinophil's should be in the range of 0 - 0.45 cells X 109/L for a healthy adult - this is different for babies and children

(the name comes from the dye used to stain them - eosin, which I think means acid? someone with a better grasp of greek will give me a clue here, but I use the dye at work and I think that is right?...)

They test for these as a good maker of infection - if you have lots of them it is likely you have some sort of parasite or infection they should then test for.

Basophil's should be in the range of 0 - 0.19 x 103 cells/microL for a healthy adult - again this is different for babies and children

Basophils contain histamine in their granules and having lots is a good sign of an allergic reaction, however having too few can be an indicator of some sort of white blood cell disorder, but the normal count is soo low it is hard to tell you have a low count - at least that is what my sister in law was told when she had her tests.

but each lab has their own range so always use the range that comes with your test results.

hopes this helps a bit :-)

in reply to Mrs_Somerset

Thankyou for reply and clear explanation. You learn something new every day.I have Graves disease and everything I know about it is from the good people on this forum. My GP has no idea.He was the one who uttered the classic line "I dont understand tsh but I have heard of it!"We had some laughs on forum about that! Not really funny but the responses on here were

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Mrs_Somerset in reply to

at least he admits he has no clue! - swap you for mine???

I agree though - the people on here are a life saver - and so helpful, even if I do ask the silliest questions :-)

in reply to Mrs_Somerset

Whats yours like? I have changed doctors so will have to try for tests again that other one wouldn't do

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Mrs_Somerset in reply to

he refuses to lsiten to any queries or suggestions, refuses to do tests, ignores studies I print off and take in, stated that thyroid UK were a bunch of hacks not to be trusted, ignored the advice from the pernicious anemia society, told me htat Vit B12 was a fad ( when he caved found out I had B12 of 65 when it should be between 180 and 800) that Vit D was nonesense and I could buy my own if I wanted some, and so on - he said I could not have pernicious anemia - whilst holding the statement that I did, as I did not have anemia, turns out that is a very outdated idea, it just drives me to distraction. I have tried changing, but hte other two surgeries in my area made me feel unwelcome when I tried to book an appointment, so am stuck where I am.

I would welcome a doc that said they did not know - at least then they would be open to information from the experts like thyroid UK or the pernicious anemia society and at least try to find out what is wrong with me, rather than taking offense that I might have an idea.

sorry to go on, but it is so upsetting to have to fight for every last bit of help - have now started going privately for tests - but that is so expensive I cannot keep that up either.

in reply to Mrs_Somerset

Goodness me he is full of himself! Think they feel threatened if they dont know something and think you do.Presumably it was the receptionists at the other docs you were speaking too trying to make an appt but maybe the docs are ok? Have you around amongst their patients or perhaps you dont knoe anyone who goes there?

We seem to have gone of course on this. The majority of these postings have nothing to do with my original question. It seems to have be hijacked with other personal comments.

JohnPo, I thought things flagged by the lab are because something was out of range, and required further investigation? But there again I can have a print out full of flags, and my GP doesn't bat an eyelid. You do find out more by googling than seeing your doc. There are some quite helpful sites that would explain about your out of ranges and the implications to your health. Then that may open discussions between you and your GP, shame we have to do all this running around when we feel so crap!

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