Low DHEA: Hi Does anyone know what is recommended... - Thyroid UK

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lucylocks profile image
24 Replies


Does anyone know what is recommended for low DHEA

My Adrenal saliva test shows high morning cortisol, the other three in range but my DHEA is really low. Level 0.08 range 0.20 - 0.70

DHEA Cortisol ratio 0.21 range 0.6 - 3.0

Does anyone know which is the best treatment for it?

Many thanks Elaine

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lucylocks profile image
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24 Replies
Marz profile image

Am not experienced with adrenals - try stopthethyroidmadness.com Someone who does will be along soon to comment....

Hope you find some answers....

lucylocks profile image
lucylocks in reply to Marz

Many thanks for the link Marz,

I will read it now.

galathea profile image

You can buy dhea over the counter in the uk without prescription. Amazon sell it. There is some concern that it is banned buti have never had a problem, I think its the synthetic stuff which is unavailable. I use the one made by solgar, the contents are listed as dhea.

lucylocks profile image
lucylocks in reply to galathea

Many thanks,

Do you feel better with it?

My Nutritionist said to take Nutri Adrenal extra but some say it can make them a bit jittery, I don't know why she did not recommend the DHEA

galathea profile image

Errr..... I don't know. I have taken dhea for a long time , I feel fine, at any rate I have had no adverse effects. It took me about 7 years of messing around with meds and tests to feel well. I now take an assortment of meds.... NDT, dhea, magnesium, d3 and b vits. I feel fine, so don't mess around stopping and starting them. At one time my adrenals were in a state, with all the accompanying fatigue, but I took cortisone for a couple of years.. All seems ok now but I haven't had further tests.

I know this must seem like I'm a bit vague with it all, but having arrived at the right combination for me, I just get on with taking it.

Xx. G

lucylocks profile image
lucylocks in reply to galathea

So glad it has helped you along with the other things you take.

I think I should give it a try.

Thanks again browny

Jayne22 profile image
Jayne22 in reply to galathea

Hi galathea

Hope you don't mind me asking but are you pre or post menopausal?

I'm about 10 years post and was thinking of adding DHEA in natural form but worried that messing around with hormones might cause problems and specifically weight gain. Have you had any problems with it!

Regards, Jayne

galathea profile image
galathea in reply to Jayne22

Hysterectomy at 39, now 57 so guessing I am post menopause. Weight gain has been a problem since I lost three stones some 12 years ago. I have put 4 stones on since then despite all my efforts with exercise and diet. However, this year I have been losing the weight at 2 lbs per week. Have stopped using my asthma meds and am counting calories with the aid of my fitness pal app. Am eating 1450 cals a day, pretty much the same as in the past, but the weight is actually going. Yee ha! Chest s wheezy though no worse than when I was taking the asthma steroids.

Jayne22 profile image
Jayne22 in reply to galathea

Wow that all sounds very promising,well done you!

Sounds like the DHEA could have helped rather than hindered your weight loss this year.......I'm only 57kg and 5.6ish but have stacked on weight in years past whenever I have introduced oestrogen, or any form of hormones for any reason. So as a result have been a bit suss about starting the DHEA.

Thanks so much. Wish you well in your journey to health :-)

Jayne xx

lucylocks profile image
lucylocks in reply to Jayne22

Hi Jayne

I am also post menopausal and I had breast cancer 20 years ago

so I obviously do not want to start messing around with hormones.

I have just read there is one called 7-keto DHEA which does not effect hormones so I may look into this.

Jayne22 profile image
Jayne22 in reply to lucylocks

Thanks for getting back to me! Yep I too have had cancer (tongue) operated on successfully late last year so I'm now wary of all hormones unless I know exactly what they're likely to do - got to weigh up the pros & cons!!

Shall also look into the 7-keto product and maybe post if its great stuff!

Be well and thank you

Jayne xx

lucylocks profile image
lucylocks in reply to Jayne22

Hi Jayne,

sorry to hear you too had cancer and so pleased to hear operation was successful.

Do you mind me asking what were your DHEA levels?

Just be interested to compare.


carolr profile image

Low DHEA can be to do with low growth hormone.

I didn't find I felt any benefit

From DHEA.

lucylocks profile image
lucylocks in reply to carolr


Thanks for your reply, did you find an alternative that worked for you.


Xanthe profile image

I had low DHEA and took it as a supplement until I came back into the normal range. I definitely felt better for it. Keep the dose low though - 20mg or less per day,as I recall. There's plenty more information in Dr Wilson's excellent book on "Adrenal Fatigue - the 21st Century Stress Syndrome"

lucylocks profile image
lucylocks in reply to Xanthe

Many thanks for your reply,

I have heard of Dr. Wilson's book, shall buy a copy.

Xanthe profile image
Xanthe in reply to lucylocks

Plenty of online information too.

lucylocks profile image
lucylocks in reply to Xanthe


Xanthe, I was going to look into the 7-keto DHEA (see above) have you had used that?

Xanthe profile image
Xanthe in reply to lucylocks

Hi Browny,

No, I haven't, but as I understand it, it provides all the same benefits as DHEA without the potential problems. Apparently, for SOME ladies, taking too large a dose of DHEA (I think this means well above 20mg/day) causes problems such as excess hair growth, acne etc. In men, too large a dose can cause aggressive behaviour. 7-keto DHEA does not cause these possible problems (apparently). So if using straight DHEA bothers you, then go with the 7-keto DHEA - Wilson mentions it in his book. I had no problems at all with 20mg/day DHEA when I needed it, but once my test results showed that I was back in range, I stopped it. If you take any glandular supplements, such as Nutri Adrenal or Nutri Adrenal Extra, then be aware that they may contain some DHEA (according to Dr P). I felt a small, but real difference with DHEA, but I had to take it for quite a while - can't rememberer exactly - several months at least. Also, I began on a smaller dose - 10 mg then, after a few weeks, when I felt no different, upped it to 20mg/day. That worked for me.

I have just dug out my test results - here's how things went (all genova ASI test)

Feb 2012 mean DHEA 0.10 (0.2 - 0.7) DHEA/cortisol ratio 0.37 (0.6-3.0)

Oct 2012 mean DHEA 0.15 0.52

Jan 2013 mean DHEA 0.24 0.87

Oct 2013 mean DHEA 0.32 2.5

A mystery virus earlier in 2013 hammered my adrenals and knocked down the cortisol levels, which is why the last DHEA/cortisol ratio is as high as it is.

I hope that helps!

lucylocks profile image
lucylocks in reply to Xanthe

Hi Xanthe,

Thanks, that's really helpful, your DHEA in Feb. 2012 is slightly higher than mine is now. I think I may try the 7- keto as I dare not risk the DHEA in case it increases my estrogen levels but the 7- keto sounds promising.

Thanks again for all your help and advice.

Best wishes brwony

Jayne22 profile image

Hi Browny

Sadly I couldn't convince my doc to test DHEA but at 63 and judging by the way I feel I will try it for a while and see what happens. I'm just that bit hesitant given my abysmal reactions in the past to the pill in any form and hormones for endometriosis in my 30s and 40s. I've refused HRT as well even before the cancer hit.

Jayne xx

lucylocks profile image

Hi Jayne

I am not surprise the G.P. will not test for it, they don't believe in Adrenal fatigue anyway.

I paid for the Adrenal saliva test and when I showed the result to my G.P. he just said how much did this cost you and gave me it back and pulled a face. No other comment.

Like you I am still a bit hesitant about using it. I will have to do a bit more research

about it. I think in the meantime I am going to take a good B complex with B5 in it as this is good for the Adrenals, Vit D Vit E magnesium and Selenium and beta carotene.

Someone has just given me an adrenal support group on facebook which gives you the info. on the supplements I have mentioned. facebook.com/groups/FTPOAdr...

Good Luck browny

sip1 profile image

I'm taking DHEA at the moment, not a massive amount - just 3mg sublingual each morning before I get out of bed.

I did an adrenal stress test in Jan, that showed a wonky cortisol pattern throughout the day, and low dhea 0.21 (0.40 - 1.7). My cortisol, as of a week ago, is now low normal, but my DHEA is a little lower than before (0.19), so I've started the DHEA again. I took it a few months ago, but didn't stick with it long enough really. I have read that it needs to be taken for 3 months, stopped, and then re-tested - so that's what I'm going to try now :)

I know that it did make a huge difference with my tiredness when I took it a while back. I do find that it makes my boobs bigger though! This might be a bonus for some, but not for me. They are big enough lol. I don't like this side of things, so I am wondering myself whether the 7-keto would be a better option??!!

lucylocks profile image
lucylocks in reply to sip1


Yes I am thinking the 7-keto would be better for me. I am continuing with my other supplements and see how I go.

I have an appt. next month with a second endo. so I am going to discuss it then.

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