multivitaminguide : I have just stumbled upon... - Thyroid UK

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Coastwalker profile image
33 Replies

I have just stumbled upon this multivitamin guide, you might have already seen it before, I haven't had time to digest it yet, it looks a good website which might help compare and weigh up the minefield of multivitamins that are out there on sale. Thought I'd mention it before it disappears into oblivion and I can't find it again. :)

[Link moved from subject to body as there are technical issues with having it as subject.]

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Coastwalker profile image
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33 Replies
Jackie profile image

Hi It is the minerals ,not the vits that are most important.The tablets do all vary considerably so require lot of research.


sky00 profile image
sky00 in reply to Jackie

absolutely agree jackie...

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Jackie

Yes I agree Jackie, but I think these multivitamins have minerals included, (but probably not in the doses needed maybe. :)

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to Coastwalker

Hi I see. Normally called vits and minerals. Most of us with a good diet are OK with Vits, except ones directly related to the thyroid,but minerals, modern farming etc., are often very

deficient in.A of of recent medical research shows that sometimes we need to be wary of vits. b12 and D of course, are wrongly named and not vits at all.

Best wishes,


Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Jackie

Hi Jackie, yes, so much talk and readings on depleted soil, now what with all this genetic food which we are probably not realizing we're eating already, no doubt we'll soon all be ill with lack of vits and mins, think it might be a conspiracy to kill us all off so they don't have to pay for these new Pensions we're due , that's if they don't move the age goal post again. ;)

I have done much research that it is comming out of my ears, but trying to keep it up in my head is the hardest ;) I have started to put together a vit and min chart on doses/overdoses and what to take for what illness. which I will try to keep updated if any new medical info comes up, I have written so many scrap notes that it's going to take a while to trawl through.

Yes have heard that vit D vit is not a vitamin, it is a hormone (or made into one,) need to be reminded about B12 though :) ? Know that you can't overdose on B12, as it gets flushed away, but D you need to keep an eye on your blood level, mine shot up quickly from deficient(ish) to 116, but I was on quite a high dose, so I reduced down again, but Doc was happy as my high dose still showed up in bloods that I was 'in range' I take both the B12 patches and vit D3 (+K2) and certainly notice the difference when I forget to take them.

If you have any other advice/tips on vits and mins that might help with my chart I would love to know.

Thanks J. :)

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to Coastwalker

Hi I see like me , you like to know everything!

B12 is only absorbed by injection, never heard of any other way.Why some GP`s can be a problem

.If on D , vital to keep an eye on calcium level. it must never go out of range.if under range, likely ( NICE) that you need to be on both. If calcium goes over range, D must be reduced, if still over, then it must be stopped. However low. I am I this position and now have ostomalacia ( adult rickets), quite nasty. Why D and B12 sgould be under an Endo.

Also if high calcium ( over range) first check for PTH ( parathyroid) is a blood test must be AM for PTH, calcium and D, if all 3 over range or 2 and D high for you, then essential nuclear test for the PTH., CT and thyroid ultra sound. it is often cancer of the PTH, but totally self contained and responds well to surgery.

it is importasnt to eat a lot of magnesium rich foods, but if suppleements, most noty absrbed, script best and weekly tests for it and Potassium ( like me), as magneskium can push up the Potassium dangerously high, bith + sodium and calcium electrolytes.

Zinc and selenium very safe, and good. Why in Norfolk people are meant to live longer, all in the soil! Actually many years ago my daughter did part of her masters degree on this, most people low in Zinc, causes infections, no resistance etc.

I hope you had the calcium tested, lots of ignorance. Most of these are for life but retested always matter. Now my D is so low, after many years of being stable, my thyroid has gone too low, very!

I hope this is some use.

Jackie x

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Jackie

Thank Q Jackie,

I class myself as a complete Newbie on vits and mins, do you have an 'Ology' in this subject,? if not you should be awarded one. ;)

Import info there, I did know of it, but don't think I had noted it down so I will keep your post in my HU /TUK (vit and min) folder.

Sorry to hear you have problems with D and Calcium. it goes to show how dangerous it can all be. Are you allowed out in sunshine ?

Funny you were saying about rickets as the other day I told Doc that I seemed to be walking 'different' and the only way I could describe it was like having bandy legs, but the dosing of D3 +K2 did get rid of it and also my tailbone pain. Doc only put me on 1000 as I was showing low on D bloods. I noticed it helped my TB pain, but only a little so I upped it after checking out on the Vit D council website. It got rid of it almost immediately, though get a niggle now and then.

I need to check on my Calcium bloods, don't think they were done though I might be wrong.

Such a lot to take in, just read Dr Mercolas post of today about soil depletion, poisonous Round up (and also getting into breast milk) and genetic crops, real scary stuff, as my Daughter says we are all just Guinea Pigs on this planet.

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to Coastwalker

Hi all down to a lot of serious medical conditions, some good consultants, who educate me to protect me from the very bad consultants, when in hospital!Also was a scientist in the distant past, daughter and 2 grands too.You can always send as PM, click on my name, if easier.Too ill to go out, I have an egg a day, not much else to do re vit D.

The biggest sign of low D, is having to crawl upstairs and painful and night, legs.I had rickegs frlom the war, common then. The recognized it myself b ut did not know adults could get it, until I looked it up.

Also because 12 co-morbilities and very ill,lots of things, my very good consultants expect me to self diagnose as say I am beyond them and I know best. There are some good docs!

Hard to know without blood test if calcium out, can develop shakes if very bad.

A while ago there was a high rate pf baby deformities from pregnant ladies being subjected to plant spray.

In fact many years ago when my sister nursed, lots of her friends had babies with serious medical problems eg heart.

Good Hunting,

Jackie x

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Jackie

Hi Jackie, I tried to find you on the PM 'Jackie' list, so many different types of 'Jackies but no 'Jackie' ??? :( Can you maybe PM me with a :) and I will PM you back.


Barbaraj profile image

Thank you for posting this. It is very informative. However, the first two highly scoring products that I clicked on both have Vitamin B12 in the form of cyanocobalamin and they contain folic acid. Scientific studies show that up to 60% of people cannot convert these man-made substances into their active forms i.e. methylcobalamin & 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF).respectively. and, if supplementing, they should be in the active forms for the body to use. I shall keep on working my way down the list of products but, as soon as I see folic acid listed I know that product isn't one I'd use! Thanks again for posting. Barbaraj :)


Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Barbaraj

Thanks Barbarj,

Yes many of us do need the 'active' forms.

'Good luck' on your homework, do let us know if you find a 'spot on' (active one,) though some people differ in their needs, so maybe a spot on one for one person may not be spot on for another. :)

Someone did mention on the follow on forum that they should of added on the vits and mins in them all so lots of research didn't have to be done.

Barbaraj profile image
Barbaraj in reply to Coastwalker

PureEncapsulations make the following: -

Nutrient 950® without iron

Nutrient 950® without copper & iron

Nutrient 950® without copper, iron & iodine

I buy the middle one online from


01403 730342

They cost £34 for 180. The dose is six capsules per day but I only take two - not only because of cost but because they are high dosages. The only extra I take is Vitamin D3 as two capsules contain only contain around 200 iu's.

I think I'll be sticking with this one as I have found it to be the purest product available so don't mind paying a little extra to have no excipients at all :)

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Barbaraj

Wouldn't mind looking at the label and checking the amounts on those three Multivitamins Barbaraj, any idea where I can take a peek at the dosages ?

Barbaraj profile image
Barbaraj in reply to Coastwalker

This is the label info for Nutrient 950® without copper & iron. You can just type into google the version you are interested in. Just make sure you type pureencapsulations first.

Supplemental Facts

Amount Per Serving

six vegetable capsules contain:

vitamin A (as beta carotene)15,000 i.u.

vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)1,000 mg.

vitamin D (as cholecalciferol)(D3)800 i.u.

vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopherol succinate)400 i.u.

thiamin (as thiamin HCl) (B1)100 mg.

riboflavin (vitamin B2)50 mg.

niacin (as niacinamide)100 mg.

vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl)25 mg.

folate (as Metafolin®, L-5-MTHF)800 mcg.

vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin)1,000 mcg.

biotin800 mcg.

pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate) (B5)400 mg.

calcium (as calcium citrate)300 mg.

iodine (as potassium iodide)200 mcg.

magnesium (as magnesium citrate)200 mg.

zinc (as zinc picolinate)25 mg.

selenium (as selenomethionine)200 mcg.

manganese (as manganese aspartate)5 mg.

chromium (as chromium polynicotinate)200 mcg.

molybdenum (as molybdenum aspartate)100 mcg.

potassium (as potassium aspartate)99 mg.

boron (as boron glycinate)2 mg.

vanadium (as vanadium aspartate)200 mcg.

inositol hexaniacinate90 mg.

ascorbyl palmitate (fat-soluble vitamin C)120 mg.

riboflavin 5'phosphate (activated B2)25 mg.

pyridoxal 5' phosphate (activated B6)25 mg.

mixed carotenoids (as lutein, lycopene, zeaxanthin)850 mcg.

other ingredients: vegetarian capsule (cellulose, water)

4–6 capsules per day, in divided doses, with meals.

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Barbaraj

Thank you Barbaraj. that's a very good all round multivitamin, is it safe to take extra iodine when on T4 Levothyroxine, do you know ?

Barbaraj profile image
Barbaraj in reply to Coastwalker

I have read that people with Hashi's shouldn't take iodine but it isn't something I have looked into in depth so I can't really say. If you post this as a new question, I am certain you'll receive many knowledgeable answers. I take Nutrient 950 without copper and iron but this version does contain iodine. I haven't noticed any negative effects and my bloods are fine now.

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Barbaraj

Thanks again Barbaraj, need to look more into that one or maybe a small dose might not make much of a difference. .

sky00 profile image
sky00 in reply to Barbaraj

not to mention that for companies, cyanocobalamin is a cheaper ingredient for them to include-maximizing their profits...

sky00 profile image

when i saw the prices of the so called "top" multi's i nearly fell out of my chair--firstly nearly all do not list individual ingrds-doses etc. etc. and one is expected to swallow 6 to 8 pills daily and some even more--of course this is to make it look like --this justifies the prices. secondly there are well known brands they have failed to list, which are at much much lower prices, i tried to find the manufacturer of the top 4 brands they recommend # cause i would bet they are all made by the same company and are being sold around the same outrageous price--leading folks to believe that this a true & honest guide--one could get ill- by spending that amount of money each month.. not to be rude but anyone who buys into this obvious scam is either misguided or works for the guide itself in some way, of course this is just my opinion but i was truly outraged that a site like this for folks feeling really poorly should perhaps be lulled into spending their lifes savings on bogus falsehoods... they cannot say i am one of the best & not list their ingredients & not back it up with ( independent ) analysis & then charge outrageous prices. i for one hope this guide never shows up again== US TO UK equivalents- ascertained ranging from £.75 -£112 per bottle note all were made in the USA funny not one made in UK or.......

Coastwalker profile image

:) :) Yes I too was shocked at the prices sky00 :O though might be available elsewhere slightly cheaper, ;)

don't think we'll be affording them at those prices.

At the bottom a forum member pointed out that they didn't have their ingredients added which would have been more helpful and as you say many makes are not on the list and you don't know what's really in them.

Realized it was a US site, but spotted names that have been mentioned on here before, so thought it might be helpful to someone comparing them all.

Certainly 'food for thought' but not at those prices. ;)

sky00 profile image
sky00 in reply to Coastwalker

cw--good glad to hear it-- a proper multivitamin is almost an impossibility & a really good multi mineral is even more elusive-- i personally take individually over thirty supplements every day or sometimes every other day--consisting of vitamins minerals herbals and formulars & the brands i use are Swanson'S NOW Lamberts Vogels Solgar & Nature's way & occasionally Healthspan--haven't found one company that makes the whole gambit-- a bit here a bit there, it becomes an easy routine and i'm assured i am getting all what i need & then there are the iodines hope this helps & the costs when buying in this way is also way reduced & affordable, hope this helps in some small way, it has taken allot of work to get here...

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to sky00

:O You must really rattle sky00, If I ate that many pills I probably wouldn't feel like eating, I'd be way full up.

It certainly is a minefield out there, I'm still getting my head around it all, it is a bit of a pain working out what you need, which different types, combinations, doses and working out costs.

Do tell me you are feeling A1 OK and in tip top energetic condition and that the multivits and minerals are definitely worth taking ;) :)

sky00 profile image
sky00 in reply to Coastwalker

lol no i don't rattle, i lay them out in the morning & then take them throughout the day a little at a time--at some point when i'm not gardening i will post here what i take & from which company amounts etc. etc.yearly costs are way cheaper then buying multi vit & multi min's and i get proper ratios way better then (ridiculous) RDA suggestions.. pole beans are calling me-- later coast

Coastwalker profile image

Yes! do get on with that garden Sky00, important things come first, ;) :)

The RDA is certainly out of date, was reading that vitamin doses were worked out back in the 1960's and haven't changed.

I'm amazed that you say buying separately is cheaper and of course you get the correct dosage for your individual needs, so I am looking forward to your reply S. :)


We laid our garden back to easy maintenance quite a few years back, wish we'd kept up with the veggie growing now, knowing what we know now about soil.

Questionner profile image

I havent been tested for vit d deficiency but I have the symptoms of it, I have started using this but what i've been seeing on this thread has made me pause. Does anyone know where I can get supplements for vit d and b12 that are absorbed in the body properly and fulfil essential criteria?


Also thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread its been really helpful and i've learned a lot.

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Questionner

Yes! It's amazing what you learn from members on here (TUK) agree :)

Pinkythecat profile image


Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Pinkythecat

Thanks Pinkythecat,

Unfortunately your link did not let me see the doses. It is a similar product to the one Barbaraj above mentioned, who also listed all the doses, I have had to buy some make do for now Multivitamins from a high street outlet and comparing the doses from Barbaraj's there is no contest, Barbaraj's multivits are by far the winner so I'm guessing the one you mentioned with K in it must also be a very good dose one. :)

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Coastwalker

Though the link does not clearly identify whether they contain vitamin K1 or the very different vitamin K2.


Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to helvella

Good point Helvella, I wasn't able to see any of the doses on the label of Pinkythe cat's link, but rechecked Barbaraj's post above and couldn't see a vit K.on there either ?

I already get my K2 along with my D3 ;) :)

Pinkythecat profile image


Enzovince profile image

This stuff is the best...

Beta-Mune (Betamune) 100% German Longchain Beta - 1.3-D-Glucan - 150gms

Dr. Florian Davidis - "We have been testing the GSMB-Formula for a long time and I do not know of any other substance that has such a strong positive impact on the human immune system. We discovered that after taking GSMB the potency of the human immune system was much stronger. GSMB sets off a cascade of events which stimulates immune function in several areas of the body. It also has a direct stimulatory action on B lymphocytes and T-cells. It is very effective as a broad anti-infective agent and it enhances the effects of many antibiotics and cholesterol lowering drugs. In addition, it has not been shown to have any drug interactions. We have also observed very good results with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), herpes simplex and a variety of immune system related problems. GSMB is also an ideal product for people undergoing regular sport activities and professional athletes."

Beta-Mune GSMB formula is one of the most exciting findings in human nutrition/health supplements in recent years. GSMB stands for German Supercharged Micro-Encapsulated Immune Enhancer with Beta 1,3-1,6 Glucan. (Important - not solely Beta 1,3-6 Glucan but with the addition of Beta 1,3-6 Glucan).

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Enzovince

I will take a look at it asap Enzovince, is it very expensive ?

Not what you're looking for?

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