I've have just started 125 mg Levothyroxine and been on them a week. I know it takes time before things are right, but goodness the indigestion is unbearable even more than the blooming tiredness anybody with any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated. Anything at all.
Indigestion !!: I've have just started 125 mg... - Thyroid UK
Indigestion !!

I wonder if the indigestion is due to low acid as hypothyroidism can cause low acid which gives similar symptoms to high and Gps prescribe antacids which don't help.
Is it the case that you've literally just started taking thyroid meds and put on 125 straight away or that you've just been increased? Plus what make are you on currently?
Yes my endo started me on 125 mg
Some people would find that very hard going and prefer to start lower and increase gradually. Can be shock to system. Also, the make can be a big factor as different fillers . In meantime, perhaps try sleeping propped up a bit to help reduce acid running up at night, drink plenty water .
Thanks I take them when I wake in the morning then don't eat for an hour after , no indigestion in the morning just starts after I have them and continues all day .
Get tested for the h-pylori bug. X
If I were you I'd trot back and query the amount he's put you on because as many have said it's far too high, usually a far smaller dose to start with which begs the question is your doctor familiar at all with thyroid problems? For the sake of your health you should maybe consider giving thought to changing your doctor and research those in your practise with more experience with thyroid problems - docs specialise in certain things. For now a natural remedy for indigestion would be peppermint oil capsules always work for me.
Can't believe your Endo started you on such a high dose. People normally start off on 25 or 50 and any increase would be after 6 weeks or so.
Do you think your indigestion is actually low stomach acid?
Hi there, firstly I would like to say don't be alarmed by those posting on here about how shocked they are that you started on what they call a 'High' dose, I personally feel that unless you know all the circumstances to why you have been put on the meds in the first place people should not judge! I was placed on the same amount straight away as my symptoms and results were extreme, I too had the same indigestion symptoms initially ... They have since settled down and I found that taking the tablets with plenty of water helped me .. I am however still very poorly with all the general hypo symptoms and issues .. But that's just me .. We are not all the same hope you get some relief soon x
If you do discover your low on stomach acid I recommend Betaine Hydrochloride- 648 mg- Pepsin- 130mg - 1 with each meal. I bought mine from gnc.co.uk. Was suffering awfully and they were a life saver.
hi i was started on 150mg levo following tt increased to 175mg after 2wks then 200mg after a month then back down to 175mg, i was fine on Activas but my last lot have been mercury and i have terrible acid indigestion/reflux despite taking 40mg losec daily. im begining to think it might be the mercury make, im also very shakey on this make. try taking sips of cold milk it sometimes helps with a dry biscuit
hi,, i was ok on eltroxin then went onto mercury and my stomach went to pot,, been on omeprazole since. ive tried actavis but didnt get on with it too well,,, felt weaker to me. if i was you, if your happy with actavis then dont delay,,, get your chemist to give you that next time.
I had dreadful chronic heartburn out of nowhere - have never really suffered with it before - and tried apple cider vinegar first. That worked well - it is very soothing - but felt like maybe not quite enough oomph and also tastes pretty horrible. Then the hcl/pepsin, which worked so well that the heartburn has completely gone.
I read somewhere that you should take the hcl after a protein meal and probiotics after a carb meal; otherwise the hcl can be a bit ott and give you stomachache. Now I'm on the probiotics every day and only take hcl if I have meat.
It was a lifesaver though. The heartburn was really getting me down.
Increasing your stomach acid can also help with nutrient absorption apparently.