My Son was born Nov 30 2013 and was born with only his thumb and pinky on his left hand. we went through genetic testing and they found nothing. they have no clue where this came from or why he was born that wayI'm about to be tested for thyroid problems and since I've been looking into it I am curious to know if any parents have had a child with a birth defect from untreated thyroid problems. Any information is appreciated!
Baby born with birth defects from non treated t... - Thyroid UK
Baby born with birth defects from non treated thyroid problems?

It is recognised that undiagnosed and under treated hypothyroidism in mothers can lead to problems with foetal brain development, autism and ADD/ADHD in children.
This link discusses and if you scroll down there are more links on maternal hypothyroidism and children.
I hope your little boy is otherwise hale and hearty.
Hi Clutter, not sure if this interests you, if not just ignore.
I was given a second hand copy of the Daily Mail Tue 11 March edition, Pages 36-37
Title - The eminent doctor who is convinced ADHD doesn't exist. (sorry can't do links )
The more I read it the more I thought he could be right, (thinking along the lines that Fibromyalgia, CFS and ME are symptoms of Hypothyroidism and not conditions on their own.)
He mentions the drugs like Ritalin and others making the condition worse and other behavior problems and causes. (that rings bells with being wrongly given depression pills when you only have brain fog and need your thyroid meds upped to optimum level instead, to get rid of the brain fog.)
Schizophrenia, depression and bipolar were all mentioned along with other linking symptoms, but I couldn't help thinking that the Thyroid connection was missing from the article.
What do you make of it all ?
Remember Clutter, I'm no expert and still learning lots each day on Thyroids, so forgive me if I'm thinking in the wrong direction.
Coastwalker, I honestly don't know enough about ADHD/ADD to have much of an opinion but I do believe they exist, as do CFS, Fibro & ME, even if they are caused by misdiagnosing or under treating other conditions.
Whether or not they are caused by genetic or environmental influences is something else. I'm sure Ritalian wrongly prescribed does make things worse, but I believe it has been helpful to many sufferers much the way antidepressants (correctly prescribed) have.
Wondered if the ADHD was now connecting more to Thyroids, than was previously thought, similar to FM/CFS and ME is, didn't mean to say they didn't exist as I myself still have some Fibromyalgia pains and we are almost certain our grandchild has one of the 3 ADHD's, but just a thought and the Doc on the article mentioned there was found to be a connection of low iron in ADHD's bloods.
Ignor me Clutter, just my way of thinking, I seem to confuse others with my thoughts.
Did you get to read it ?
I'm sure there is a lot the thyroid is responsible for that isn't even imagined yet. So little is actually understood about the thyroid and its effects.
I think I follow your thoughts: HypoT px often have low iron; ADHD px have low iron; is there a thyroid connection?
I'll try to find the article later.
I, too, reiterate Clutter's remark re you little boy. It would have been a big shock to you at the time.
Best wishes
Thanks for the replies.. yes it was a shock but he is so smart. He was looked at by a developmental therapist and he said average scoring for kids his age (1 year ) is from 70 to 90 and he scored a 120. It is just stressful bc we have no idea where the birth defect came from and neither do the doctors. I also have another son who is 4 and I think he has add/adhd but he hasn't been diagnosed yet.
I'm just starting to put the puzzle pieces together and thyroid problems are linked to both of those.
Hi Sorry that you are having a worrying time.. I had severe untreated hypo before both pregnancies.. Both children fine and very high IQ 156. I had a bad pregnancy, , thyroid?
Some times, freak of nature and we never know the cause of medical problems.I am sure your son will bring you great joy and soon learn to over come his problems.
best wishes,
I have 1 son that's autistic and another that has aspergers
Tourettes and supposedly add. Personally I think the add is more likely to be has his related. I was undiagnosed for many years and it obviously affected my boys, I'd sue for neglect if I could prove it.
I've not seen anything relating thyroid issues to physical abnormalities though, although that doesn't mean there isn't.
Like the others, I hope your son has a full and happy life
Thanks for all of the replies and for the links. My son is beautiful and perfect in every way. He is so intelligent and he uses his hand so well. I am just looking for answers bc "I don't know" isn't good enough for me. If there is a link between what happened to him and thyroid I would live to find out bc I want to raise awareness. It's so unsettling to know that so many people have thyroid problems and will never know all the while having children that end up having other problems or even the same problems bc of it. Why aren't there more doctors trying to research this issue?
These links may be of interest: If you scroll down there are links to hundreds of other articles Mary Shomon has published.
Both Dana Trentini (Hypothyroidmom) and Mary Shomon have FB pages too.