I have recently taken up smoking again , temporarily I hope , and was wondering about what it will do to my more recently improved thyroid condition.
I quit smoking about 7 years ago , and was diagnosed with hashi's about three years ago.
I recently spent a couple of days in Holland , had a spliff , the first in 10 years, and had a great old time. The spliff I have left behind as just a break from the norm while in Holland , but I have continued smoking tobacco since.
I think, since not paying too much credence to blood results and dosing by my symptoms , I have felt much better, slowly losing a bit of weight , generally more active and less depressed , hence going for a road trip and letting my hair down, maybe a bit too much.
To be honest , I am quite enjoying the smoke and actually feel like it is not giving me any initial problems in the thyroid department, but I think it is something I will have to recognise as not being conducive to the long term recovery of my health.
Anybody with any info or experience to share on the matter, greatly appreciated ?