I have recently noticed I have 2 indentations at the front top of my head, about one finger width & long...a quick google search showed links to hypothyroidism, Vit deficiencies, stress & dehydration...I'm just wondering if anyone else is slowly turning into the elephant-man or am I alone on this one??
Head indentations?? Am I alone with this? - Thyroid UK
Head indentations?? Am I alone with this?

Hi. I noticed the same about 6 months ago and after a bit of an investigation on the internet, I have come to the conclusion that it is caused by me wearing my glasses on my head a lot of the time! I notice from your photo that you had your glasses in the same position and wonder whether it is common for you to do this?
I’m so glad I found this thread! I noticed the two finger-like indentations running parallel about 1/2” apart on the top of my head from my hairline backwards about 3”. I thought it had to do with my chronic sinus infections but thought about the glasses when I realized my head was itchy where my glasses rested on top of my head. It’s hard to find info that doesn’t point to bad stuff when you Google. Yikes! When I read this thread and dug deeper it makes sense that it’s the glasses leaving marks in the fleshy layer over the skull. I just started wearing readers full time about two years ago and noticed the dents now. What a relief! Hopefully the solution will be getting a lanyard for my glasses. Has anyone tried to get their head back to normal?
Wow MartaJayne! This phenomenon with a 3” long ridge with indentations on either side is what suddenly happened to me two days ago. One day it just showed up. I too have been wearing my reading glasses on top of my head all day, everyday for several years. The ridge is the exact width of the nose frame. One thing to note... I also was very dehydrated so started drinking water to hydrate. I read this on another site. Along with the glasses, several people mentioned being dehydrated. I am noticing the ridge and indentations are not as pronounced in just 2days. Praise the Lord! Such a scary discovery!!! Please let me know if your ridge/indentations are gone yet! I am just new to this... thanks❣️
Yes it is!! You're very observant to notice that...I also read that...I have been doing that for years so I didn't think that was it but now you mention same thing, you could be right...did it go away once you stopped wearing them there?
Thank goodness, I have the same thing, been wearing glasses on my head for over 30 years but dented noticeable now by touch! I thought it was something dreadful! Glad I found your post and all the replies!
I recently changed the type of reading glasses I wear, I put them on my head when not in use. Now I am feeling indents and lumps wear they sit. I'm going to assume it's from the 👓.
Hi Rose.... I have discovered 2 ridges on the front part of my head and forehead. Went to my GP today, who scheduled me with another Dr. for March 5th, and in the meantime, gave me an anti-fungal to rub into my scalp, which I totally don't get ?
Yep. I have the same indentations. My dr ordered a CT scan of my head which came back totally normal except for the dents it the top from of me skull where I wear my glasses.
ABSOLUTELY. What a relief. I thought I was dying lol. Same EXACT thing is happening to me.
Omg this is such a relief to read. I thought I had something serious and deadly happening to me.
During lockdown I grew my hair - bring a man that worked in an office beforehand, it occurred that going through the various lengths to get to "long" in that environment, probably would have me open to all sorts of banter - however, being locked in and working from home? All good. So, having grown it I then started getting annoyed with it in my face, so took to wearing sunglasses on my head to keep the hair out of my eyes. Up and down they slipped, all waking day.
A few months ago I noticed this odd ridgeway running from the front of my hairline to near the middle/top. As with other comments on here, I panicked and thought the worst but then it occurred to me it must be the sunglasses - however, I've been searching online for back up onbthst theory to no avail until now!
Last week I had some Alice bands come through and although i dont like the look much, I'm not cursing my sunglasses anymore
This reminds me of an article I just came across about a condition called cutis verticis gyrata (CVG), one possible cause of which is thyroid disease. The doctor in this case stands out for his curiosity, humility and attentiveness to the patient.
Much better to have something caused by glasses, though.
What Was Causing the Strange Grooves in the Man's Scalp?
Thank you all for posting! I'm sure that's my problem as well! I slide my glasses into the exact spot where I now have 2 long grooves. I'm going to try and stop because the grooves get sore.