Iv read many posts on here about people self medicating which i can fully understand when people feel so unwell. And as we all know normal range blood tests can be missleading and doctors dont always identify when there is a thyroid problem.
Someone i know is self medicating with nutri-thyroid, nutri adrenal and t3, all blood tests in the past have showed normal ranges and i know thats nothing new. My worry is that the person i know is no longer having thyroid blood tests and does not not know what her ranges are, despite self medicating she feels very bad most of the time.
When does self-medicating become a problem when the symptoms could be caused from something else rather than adrenal and thyroid and taking these products could be harmful.
I am all for people finding the best treatment for their conditions and being proactive and searching for solutions as i am doing but i feel we medical advice is needed in situations when symtpms are not getting better and only worse when using long term supplements.
I just wondered how i could support the person i know as she proceeds ahead with taking things that could be harmful with no medical back up.