I broke out in a terrible rash on my chin, red, bumpy,itchy rash. It started around the time I had my thyroid removed and went on meds. I tried Armor but nothing changed and I felt tired all the time so I just switched back.
Did anyone get a skin rash from taking syntheti... - Thyroid UK
Did anyone get a skin rash from taking synthetic thyroid medication or T3 liothyronine

I have a rash (looks like hives) and I have been trying to find out by elemination what is causing it, but I have to admit I have a strong suspicion that it is the T3. If so, I will have to live with it for the time being because the T3 has given me back my life, I cannot envisage going back to Levo.
I have considered trying just for a month or so but I was so ill on Levo it is a frightening thought - but when I was on Levo only, I didn't have it so it seems a strong possibility that it IS the T3. I blamed the COQ10 I am taking but ~I stopped that and it did not reduce at all.
Some people DO get a rash if they are not adequately treated, it is called Eczema Craquele and is definitely hypothyroid related.
Sorry I can't be more helpful.
Marie XX
I had something similar and went to see an allergy specialist mainly because suddenly allergic to penicillin and I think it was called idiopathic hives meaning they don't know what causes it! I take a nightly antihistamine and seems to control it ☺
Hi there, I thought I had a rash which was caused by my Hashis but it was something else I picked up from work. It was such a relief to find out through my doctor. I was just wondering if you had done that.
I do get a rash on my face if I take T3 or NDP. If I take to much NHS thyroxin I also get a rash. I was told what do you expect if you take too much NHS thyroxin and I should not take T3 as we don't need it. Standard reply I wold have thought.
Some people have an allergic reaction to a particular brand of Levothyroxine.
The Mercury Pharma brand has often been mentioned on this forum in this context.
Not all brands use the same fillers and binders.
Hi Jillybean1
Yes I had small patches. As soon as they appeared I treated it with steroid cream, also reduced t3
I initially I had a rash when I started thyroid treatment, my thought was perhaps it was an autoimmune response to tablets, body getting used to it in the system. Mine reminded me of chicken pox rash, which I had 3 times anyway so thought it was the body trying to adjust.
The binders and fillers in the synthetic tablets can give you itching and Erfa has talc in it, that made me itch terribly all over.
Hi Jade_Joli can you remember how long yr rash lasted please and did you have to stop or change treatment? I started T3/T4 combo therapy on 6th January 2017 after 11 years on levo - started with flu on 10th Jan & then noticed chicken pox type rash a few days after - saw doc this am who thought viral rash or chicken pox. I will be gutted if I cannot tolerate T3 (Liothyronine) as I have suffered from hypo symptoms despite increase in levo for 11 years & felt alert & energised again prior to succumbing to flu bug. I would appreciate any help. Thank you
Thank you all for your responses, I didn't get the rash on my chin which does look like hives until I started taking T3, so I thought that was it. I then switched to Armor and the rash went away for three days and then it came back again. Ugh!!!
I didn't feel as good on Armor as I do on synthetic with T3 added so I'm now stuck with a rash. I am going to a dermatologist and I will report the results as soon as I know more.
Hoping there is something we can take, because I love my T3
After years of taking thyroxine I developed a rash and itching all after a new prescriptions worth of thyroxine. Through a long process of chance, elimination and intolerance testing by a kinesiologist it turned out to be an allerygy to maize (and thus the maize starch filler used in tablets). The kinesiologist identified it then it was confirmed when I asked dermatology to do a blood test specifically looking for maize allergy. Since then I have been on liquid thyroxine and my skin is fine. Might be a different story for you tho - my face was the one place I did not have a rash!
I developed a very itchy rash on my throat when taking 25 mcg of levothyroxine, which took quite a while to disappear after being told to stop it. I have now been taking 12.5 mcg of Lyothyronine for about a month and so far so good. Am prone to allergic rashes anyway. Try using salcura Zeoderm skin repair moisturiser to soothe it, although it will not remove the cause and if persistent allergy tests may be needed.
I am only taking 10 Mcg daily of liothyronine and 112 mg of levothyroxine so I am guessing it's the fillers in the levo that is causing the itchy rash on my chin area. Funny thing is, it stopped when I started armor and then after three days on armor it started back up again, same spot, same rash. I thought armor was all natural and I am not sure if there are fillers in it. I can not get into a dermatologist until the end of May, they are all booked up. So I am on my own to try and figure it out, for now. Thank you for your help, J
The rash you refer to may not be caused by the particular medication you are taking but, simply, is a symptom of Hashimoto's thyroiditis (sp) which can be caused by consuming gluten.
Gluten is like a poison to those which hypothyroidism. It attacks the thyroid and can cause terrible problems.....only one of which is the awful, itchy rash you describe. Give up gluten and see a difference in a week! I take a natural porcine hypothyroid medicine which I love but I also take something to help heal my thyroid----not completely cure hypothyroidism but, at least, help the thyroid to recover from the onslaught of such things as fluoride and gluten.
This is what I take.
What is the product you take to help heal the Thyroid ? Very
grateful for detail please - PM me if preferred. Thanks
The rash you refer to may not be caused by the particular medication you are taking but, simply, is a symptom of Hashimoto's thyroiditis (sp) which can be caused by consuming gluten.
Gluten is like a poison to those which hypothyroidism. It attacks the thyroid and can cause terrible problems.....only one of which is the awful, itchy rash you describe. Give up gluten and see a difference in a week! I take a natural porcine hypothyroid medicine which I love but I also take something to help heal my thyroid----not completely cure hypothyroidism but, at least, help the thyroid to recover from the onslaught of such things as fluoride and gluten.
This is what I take.
To all : Eliminate gluten entirely from your diet and you may see the rash disappear.
I got a terrible itchy rash all over my stomach from Liothyronine or Cytomel
I was taking levothyroxine and t3 rash all over stomach. Switched to Armour and rash went away. I know take NP thyroid but still not optimal on 3 grains
Yes T3 can definitely cause a rash first time was fine but few years later started again and got very dry skin and spotty rash stomach legs arms etc controlled with hardcore moisturiser, topical steroid & few mins UV doesn't appear to alter with dose reduction either unfortunately
After I had thyroidectomy I had hives off and on and made worse on 112mcg synthyroid.
Yes, I got a rash on my chest area from using T3 medication Sigma 5mcg. I changed brand and the rash quickly went away. It was very painful with stabbing nerve pain under the skin also.