Yes, I know I'm thin...: ...but that doesn't mean... - Thyroid UK

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Yes, I know I'm thin...

37 Replies

...but that doesn't mean to say I don't eat.

I ate 250g of Ginger Nut Biscuits, 2 chocolate bars, 2 packets of crisps, 5 Frankfurters and I still managed to eat a pasta bake. At present I'm preparing for the coeliac screen test hence all the gluten-containing foods I've been eating.

That means I've eaten over 100 grams of fat in one day. And I STILL am thin!

So I do eat - it just doesn't seem like I do going by size.

Jo xxx

37 Replies
Hennerton profile image

Jo, I have to say I think you should be eating good normal food, in preparation for the coeliac test. It will do your health no good long term to eat lots of sweet, fatty carbs and then you will have even more problems to worry about. You can still eat plenty of gluten, whilst also eating salads, veg and good quality proteins and carbs. You have a perfect figure and not too thin. Most people would be very happy to be your weight.

in reply to Hennerton

Hi Hennerton, thanks for your comment.

I was told to gorge on gluten. So I should be eating other things as well? I was under the impression I should be eating nothing but gluten. Oops.

Jo xxx

Maddie profile image
Maddie in reply to

Hi Jo - the adivce on the Coeliac website is to eat some gluten in more than one meal every day for at least six weeks before testing.

Here is the link;

Also, useful to know that it’s possible to have a negative test and yet still have coeliac disease.

If this happens and you want further investigation then your GP should refer you to a Gastroenterologist - Maddie

chihiro profile image

How tall are you Jo?

In my opinion you don't look too thin, you look right with a nice figure :)

I agree with Hennerton about the foods though. You don't need to eat sweet and fatty foods in preparation for a coeliac test. I would concentrate on a normal balanced diet but be sure to include some form of wheat/gluten with all meals. So pasta, bread, certain cereals etc

When is your coeliac test?

in reply to chihiro

Hi Chihiro, I am 5'3".

Thanks for your reply. I have been gorging on gluten non-stop as that was the impression I was given. I now realise this is not the case.

My coeliac test is Wednesday at 8:50am.

Thanks for your reply.

Jo xxx

chihiro profile image
chihiro in reply to

We are very similar Jo but I can tell you look so much better than I do. Trying to remind myself that it's probably normal after 2 children and extra 10 years on top of yours. I'm 5'2" and weigh 7 stone 10. A year ago I was 7 stone 3 like you. Have not changed what I eat and how much but I just gradually piled on the weight. I know it's not a lot but what a difference it makes when you're not terribly tall!

Good luck with your test. I'm sure you're aware that the test is known to give negative results even if you have a gluten problem. Plus keep in mind that if you are not coeliac you still can have a gluten or wheat intolerance and judging by your symptoms I would be quite confident in saying that you do have an intolerance and going gluten free will benefit you and your thyroid condition. It can also calm the autoimmune attack side of things.

in reply to chihiro

Thanks Chihiro. Yes, I hope something will show up on either test. I really hope the thyroid test comes back all abnormal and it's not that I want to feel ill all the time but more the fact that I just want to prove to the GPs that I feel as poorly as the tests would suggest.

Yes, I have a feeling the coeliac test will come back negative. But my GP herself has said going gluten free would be better for me as I have an autoimmune illness.

It does make a different when you're not terribly tall, yes. When I first started on the thyroxine I gained a few pounds and looked curvy. A few girls in the street called me fat. I was only just 8 stone or 8 stone 1 at the time. Since being on the stronger doses of thyroxine as well as increasing my food intake it has been dropping off again. That's why I'm anxious not to lose any more weight and my GP has told me off already for being at the weight I am.

Jo xxx

beaton profile image

Karisma,fat does not make you fat. Overeating makes people fat and illnesses. Illness can also make you thin. Good luck with the coeliac screening. Then eat sensibly. People on here will help you work out what is best for you.xx

in reply to beaton

Hi Beaton, thanks for your reply.

I was told to gorge on gluten non-stop before the test. I didn't realise this is not the case.

Jo xxx

pennyrose profile image

Hi Jo!

You look lovely but is that a normal day of eating?

There's a lass in my work who is lovely and trim but eats a horrific amount of junk. I wouldn't want to be her insides!

in reply to pennyrose

Hi pennyrose,

thanks for your reply.

No, it's not a normal day of eating! I find it hard to eat most foods as I have problems swallowing I will post something else up regarding this. So I just eat whatever I am comfortable with and what is easy to swallow.

Jo xxx

hi Jo, I agree with others here a proper diet would help you much better!

To me you don't look too thin at all,you just look average,normal size,in keeping or your height

missdove profile image

I am the opposite to you I have gone from being a small woman all my life to 3 dress sizes bigger since I have become unwell 4 years ago,I eat a good healthy diet the same as always if not less nowadays as I am now G/F and try and stay as active as I can within the bounds of this illness and its bloody heart breaking to say the least whether bigger or smaller :-((((((((((

pennyrose profile image
pennyrose in reply to missdove

Missdove, without being too crude/rude/crossing lines/naughty, I bet you look absolutely wonderful xx

missdove profile image
missdove in reply to pennyrose

Awwwh bless you, but sadly I miss my smaller self, and peoples perceptions/attitudes defintely change towards you :-( Has weight gain been a problem for you at all? x

pennyrose profile image
pennyrose in reply to missdove

Definitely! I have yo-yo'd over the past 2 years almost. For about 4 years weight was gradually piling on and diets didn't really work. Then when I was first sick I lost a lot of weight - going through a hyper phase. I looked icky. Then I've went through phases of weight gain, particularly around dose increases. At the moment I'm super fat! Like you I eat well and have a better diet than most, walk to and from work most days (4 mile return journey) but it doesn't make much of a difference. Of course there are days were it cna really get me down but I try not to let it bother me much - mainly because my husband really fancies me regardless :-) Fat, thin, it's what's on the inside that counts. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself :-p

missdove profile image
missdove in reply to pennyrose

Its amazing it can dictate our weight like this even when we do the right things.. Its great that your husband loves you either way, which is the way it should be of course...:-) And yes its what on the inside that counts, but if a report today in the Daily Mail online is anything to go by 'obesity' is the biggest dating turn off which is pretty scary! I am single and luckily men are the last thing on my list of things to do!! ha ha And hey on the plus side my lovely plump face keeps those wrinkles at bay ;-p

pennyrose profile image
pennyrose in reply to missdove

Haha! Love it. Mags and gossip tags do absolutely nothin for our self esteem do they? I still have the odd day of getting annoyed with how I look, but then as women we are never truly happy are we?!

My sister has always been bigger than me so I guess recently she's liked that we are similar sizes. She's single too, but loves her curves. Watch out men of the world! X

missdove profile image
missdove in reply to pennyrose

That's true, even as a slimby I used to moan!! I take most of those surveys with a mountain of salt, and I do wonder who these folks are they survey!! That's great she loves her curves, I better start trying to love mine as it looks like I am stuck with them!! x

cuteyoungchic profile image
cuteyoungchic in reply to missdove

missdove your comment about 'obesity' is the biggest dating turn off, is said to be true by those in the know.

Just wait til you find Mr Perfect, who had an overweight mother, and therefore he just loves your extra kilos - like I found :)

I'm currently size 26, & couldn't figure the extra weight, but now know it's a thyroid issue. x

missdove profile image
missdove in reply to cuteyoungchic

Awwwwh cuteyoungchic that is great that you have a fab man that loves your curves :-), but sad to hear that the thyroid is behind it all...:-( x

yorkshiregirl44 profile image

Hi Joe,

Like you iv never been able to put on weight and it does get to me at times. For me its more about looking well and not having a gaunt look about you. When i was your age i was slender like you, it suits your build. But i know that how we feel on the inside can affect how we see ourselves and the other way around. Its more important to be healthy and happy and to make realistic changes where we can.

in reply to yorkshiregirl44

Hi Christine, thanks for your comment. :)

I was much thinner than this a year ago, but that was because I didn't eat anything at all! I now weigh 7 stone 10, maybe 11 or 12. Last year I was 7 stone 3. So I made a lot of improvement.

Jo xxx

You look a healthy weight! I'm actually very jealous. I have at least another 4 stone to shift and I would kill for your figure!

Eating junk food isn't the answer, it can even affect your mood. Your brain as well as you body needs good nutrition, more so when you're ill.

in reply to

Hi Helcaster, thanks for your reply.

I feel cursed with my figure at times as I am hypothyroid but slim. It doesn't make sense!!

I'm doing so much to bulk up and put on weight as last year I was VERY thin. I'm working up to 8 stone but I only get as far as 7 stone 13 and it all comes off again!!

I am consuming mostly gluten for the coeliac but didn't realise I could include other things as well. Oops.

Jo xxx

in reply to

Just make sure you eat healthily though Jo, too much sugary things leave us prone to type 2 diabetes, and you don't need to be fat to get it! Lots of lean protein, veggies fruit and complex carbs, rather than rubbish :-) xx

in reply to

Thanks Helcaster. :)

I do have diabetes in the family but I was tested negative for it. I will eat much better though - I will be kinder to my body. :)

Jo xxx

cuteyoungchic profile image

LOVE your slim figure Karisma853.

It can all fall in a heap come menopause.

Big hug for you Karisma :)

Liz x

in reply to cuteyoungchic

Hi cuteyoungchic, thanks for your reply. Hugs back!!

I feel so unlucky with my figure at my age and with my health the way it is. I look good but I don't feel good. I think it's a curse at times.

Jo xxx

Yana profile image

If your coeliac test comes back positive you will be entitled to free prescriptions on the NHS as i know it can be expensive to buy gluten free.

You look beautiful and i just hope you get better soon.

in reply to Yana

Hi Yana, thanks for your reply.

It was just my way of saying "I know I look good but I don't feel good."

Jo xxx

Julesinbristoluk profile image

Hey sweet pea. I hear ya. People used to tell me " but you're so slim" all the time and it used drive me nuts! Like it was okay that i was ill cos i was slim as a biproduct of it all. yeah, I would rather be healthy ta! anyhoo, Eat some veg missus!!! Get that ferritin up :) Great to see u today. Lots of love x x x

in reply to Julesinbristoluk

Hi Sleepyfairy, thanks for your reply. I know who you are now Jules!! LOL!!

Thanks for your help, you've been amazing. :)

I would eat more veg if I could swallow it with no problems!! I eat mega slow at the moment because of the discomfort of swallowing. I hope it clears up soon as most of the time I've felt that it's in my head. :(

I've always been slim but since being told I'm hypo it doesn't add up. It's been hard identifying with me being hypo but being small. I feel cursed!!

I'll get better soon I'm sure.

Jo xxx

missdove profile image
missdove in reply to

Gosh Jo those ginger nuts must be hard to get down then if you have problems swallowing...:-/

in reply to missdove

Hi Missdove. I dunk them in tea to soften them.

missdove profile image
missdove in reply to

Phew....I was getting worried there for a minute Jo!!!!

chihiro profile image
chihiro in reply to

You have Hashi Jo. With Hashi you can have mixed symptoms of hyper and hypo so maybe that is why you haven't piled the weight on? Just a thought....

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