I am concerned now.my neck is really tight and I have an enlarged lump under my jaw,enlarged larynx and thyroid gland.also my stomach has been so uncomfortable and huge even tho not eaten much today -just breakfast and leftover lunch from yesterday.
thyroid?: I am concerned now.my neck is really... - Thyroid UK

Hi Anbuma if you've already been to your GP, I would go to the A&E at your local hospital to be checked out.
have been twice recently cos drs either ignored symptoms or couldn't get appointment.re swelling on legs the A&E dr said "I don't know why you are here" and another advise me to stop taking a med.when I go will go armed with my notebook of symptoms and when they started.someone will soon have to believe my dogs .I need to be here for them.dont have A&E at my local hospital anymore -downgraded to minor injuries -and when I have been ther e twice cos couldn't get to see a dr thye just phone thru and make an appt.my nearest A& E is 60miles away -90 minutes on a bus.
went to A&E yesterday-did chest xray ??but not throat scan?said she couldnt find anything .im sitting here feeling the lumps in my neck! and feel larger than did yesterday.have bruises on my arm where she tied the tourniquet to tight and from where she took blood.
sunday morning.woke 4am with cough and same tightness in throat and lumps enlarged larynx and gland.why is it drs keep saying they cant feel anythign when they don't feel where you have the lumps etc.she only felt the sides of the back of my neck not the front.should I write to the practice manager to get me an appointment with my dr as i keep getting told they either dont have any for a month or HE doesnt release appointments til 8am the next day,but I know most days he doesn't start til 8.30.or should I see the nurse practitioner or just wait til 7th feb. FIBRO FOG ?these damn fingers why cant I hit the right keys.?
My GP examined me the same way, not very good, it wasn't until I did the thyroid check myself and felt the nodule, you have to put their fingers ON the lump, honest hon, you have to do the work for them, so take their hand or finger and put it right on the spot, that is what I did. Ya know even my good friend who is a PTherapist could not feel the nodule in my neck.think maybe their hands are too big. But my ENDO went right too it, tiny hands he had. Sorry you are so stressed luv, I really do understand. Guess you need that scan on your neck. It is hard to speak up for yourself sometimes, especially when you do not feel well. Good luck honey. Rooting for you. X
If go to A&E with a thyroid problem will they just say you need to go and see your GP?
Anbuma I am sorry you are having so much trouble. Theoretically, the GP's are considered 'competent' to treat thyroid gland conditions. Go back to your GP and insist on a referral to an Endocrinologist. Swelling is a clinical symptom that you are not on enough medication.
You haven't given a history in your profile so I don't know much about your past.
For a doctor to tell you to stop medication when you visited A&E is beyond belief. As you say your dogs will have more understanding. This is a link re swelling:-
I am not on any medication for thyroid despite seeing him twice for it.wont recognize it cos he said my TSH at 3.2 was normal.didnt test T3 or T4(as others have had -don't know what they are.he once told me he only considers blood results not symptoms -should consider both.can send a history of my problems from mid 2011 so you kwow what I am going thru?
It would be helpful if you could put your history within your Profile as it then makes it easier for everyone who wants to comment to know what is going on with you. In a few hours the above will be unseen due to the questions that follow. You just go to your Profile and fill in the appropriate place. If you click on my name you can view mine, although it does need updating a bit.
Had the same thing happen to me on initial diagnoses. Tell your doc that you want thyroid meds IMMEDIATELY. Historically, my TSH levels were always in the 3 ish range (post miscarriage testing etc) and it was never suggested that I had thyroid disease. Several years later, I had an attack that landed me at the ER ( this past April) with TSH registering at 8.. My dumb @ss GP still insisted that he didn't think it was my thyroid. He sent me for thousands of dollars in other testing ( god bless the usa - not) and I had to threaten him to get him to consider prescribing levo. After taking matters into my own hands and calling an Endo, I finally got a diagnosis and at the very least, the rudimentary crappy drug levo (tirosint) to offset the agony. These doctors are culpable. It almost feels as though they are trying to thin the herd by allowing so many women to fall between the cracks. I'll tell ya this - if thyroid disease were a MALE problem, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
I think you should ask to see a different Doctor. The enlarged nodes in your neck etc could be something more sinister. I had a mammogram in 2012 and they found enlarged nodes under my armpits. They reported this info to my GP and he asked me to go and see him. He examined me - under armpits, groin, spleen, neck and sent me for chest x-ray. I also had a CT scan with dye to show any further enlarged nodes. I had them in my thorax and abdomen too. I then had a biopsy on the largest nodes under my armpit and this diagnosed Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma. As this particular type of Lymphoma is Chronic, meaning slow growing, I am on 'Watch and Wait' and have regular check ups at the Haematology Dept of my local hospital in Norwich. I do have some other symptoms but they do not affect me much.
Of course this may have nothing to do with what you are suffering but I would insist on seeing a Doctor who is going to listen to you and do something about it. The stress of it must be driving you mad. Please let us know how you get on Good Luck. Liz
what was breakfast and left-over lunch... did it contain a lot of wheat, if you are sensitive it can swell you up like a balloon, are your drinking fizzy drinks as well? .... you need to get endo for neck swelling...x
have asked gp for referrals -to rheumy,gynae etc by letter no esponse (twice)
When you go to GP again ask for extended appointment. Write down your concerns and please please take someone with you who can write down the doctor's answers and back you, just think of it as a health minder or bodyguard... GP's are more responsive to calm witnesses who are writing things down in a Reporter;s notepad...x
my gp surgery doesnt have extended appointments.i always have written down what I need to say /discuss.
breakfast was rice crispies and banana.lunch was stew and potato.dont do fizzy drinks only water and fruit squash
Hi , I would still try and be referred to \an Endo of your choice, make sure they are good, only then ask fro a referral. You may have other endocrine problems.,that would not show on the basic tests A huge number of things.. For the swelling you need and ultra sound, referral best by an Endo but can be by GP.Ideally a specialist radiologists at a large teaching hospital.
Best wishes,
thanks Jackie