Does anyone else have to pay their GP £5 to get... - Thyroid UK
Does anyone else have to pay their GP £5 to get a print out of their blood test results?

These are the rules they have to follow...
I don't for new test results. My doctor has a printer on his desk.
I had to pay£10
I have never been asked for payment, receptionist just prints it off no questions asked. In fact the last printout showed 12 months worth.
That's a bit steep..I pay 50 pence per sheet and if I say it's for my consultant it's free.
The practice manager advised me the charge would be £10. I declined the charge and requested access to my online records foc as they were within 40 day window.
Recpn rang to arrange an appointment which I also declined because I had them verbally from GP when I saw him.
When I want to see the next batch, next week, I will point out that local shops charge 20p per sheet and will suggest it must be cheaper than staff time involved to call me to arrange an appt and then oversee what I promise will take a v e r y v e r y long time for me to manually record the info I require.