What strength would you say Greek T3 is compare... - Thyroid UK

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What strength would you say Greek T3 is compared to UK T3 (when not a dodgy batch)

Totoro profile image
5 Replies

I haven't felt right since I was on my previous batch of UK T3. I've been taking Greek T3 and also tried taking a mixture of a little bit of this bad batch that I have, topped up with Greek T3. But, I'm just not how I was.

The Greek T3 comes in 25mcg pills, the UK are 20mcg

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Totoro profile image
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5 Replies
Clutter profile image

Only way to tell would be to quality test the Greek T3. Why do you think the UK batch is 'bad'? Was it recalled? If so, why continue to take it? Will your GP no longer prescribe you T3?

Totoro profile image

Hi Clutter,

The T3 supply has had a few bad batches this year, going on feedback from members here and many have reported it to the Yellow Card Scheme. But I don't think that scheme has really done anything about it yet. They said they were going to test it.

In the Spring members were reporting symptoms coming back when they took a couple of different batches. I had a pot of one of these batches and so I made sure I didn't take it and put it in the corner of my medicine box. Then in the summer I had a bad week where my symptoms were coming back strongly. I was struggling badly. I considered briefly it might be a bad batch but thought another bad batch was unlikely... surely they would have sorted out the issue? But after becoming very ill I thought... I'll just check which batch I'm taking. And it was that bad batch I'd forgotten about and mistakenly pulled out of the corner where it was. As soon as I took a different batch (from the current prescription I had) I was better and by the second day I was myself again.

I'd seen the occasional post here last month about people having bad reactions to other batches. So when I needed my next prescription I asked my fiance (who is currently abroad) to tell me if it sounded like I was getting worse. The first day I took this new batch I felt a bit groggy in the morning, hard to get going for a couple of hours but otherwise ok. The next day I felt more groggy and when I did some light shopping I ached. Including my shoulders, they were not just aching but painful as if I'd been carrying huge bags digging into them, not just light things. That evening my mind was so groggy, all fuzzy and my fiance said I didn't sound good either. So I checked the batch number with people on here and others had also had a bad experience with it.

So, I'm taking some Greek T3 I have but I'm not sure exactly how much to take. I'm not doing so well as I was on my last UK batch. I've read things ages ago on bodybuilding forums that said it was less effective, but that's not a good place to get information from. I'm being careful in not wanting to go over medicated but I have been taking a little bit more but still not feeling good again (although better certainly than on the UK stuff. Someone on here is taking it but taking 30% more to get relief of symptoms). It's not easy to cut the tablets so I've also recently tried taking some of the Greek T3 with some of the UK batch, but that made me worse.

So now I'm thinking of taking a bit more T3. Because the Greek T3 might be a bit less potent and also because I might need slightly more in the winter.

I do get my T3 prescribed by my GP, which is authorised by my endo. I wouldn't go around advising people to putting their dose up or down themselves but through my treatment history this is what I've ended up doing sometimes because I've actually needed to take less than I was prescribed. And another time I needed to put it up slightly for a couple of months when I had a different brand. I have been overmedicated once in my life (I was following the prescription given) and I know what it feels like and I'm careful to watch out for these symptoms and avoid them.

Bit of a long explanation!

Totoro x

Jow11 profile image
Jow11 in reply to Totoro

Hi Totoro, could you pm the details of your Endo? Do / did you see him on the NHS? Would you recommend him? Is he ok with you just taking T3? Many thanks.

shaws profile image

I have never had any problems with the Greek T3. It is better not to mix and match whichever you take.

I always felt well - normal health.

Totoro profile image
Totoro in reply to shaws

Thanks Shaws.

Greek T3 works fine, but I do seem to be sensitive to different brands. For example when I got Cytomel 5mcg pills instead of my usual Paddock ones once I went downhill a little and found I had to increase my dose by 10mcg to compensate. I know plenty of people prefer the Cytomel, but Paddock is best for me.

So I'm not surprised that I might need a little bit different on my Greek T3. I'll keep it to one brand (apart from my 5mcg pills) as you suggest.

Totoro x

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