I finally got an appointment with an nhs endo, very helpful, but said would get another appointment in three months time. So far it's been over four months and still no appointment despite many messages left asking why. So frustrating. I did have test results, again after many requests, showing I have auto immune hypothyroidism - understandably I am very keen to know more about what this means. My symptoms fluctuate over several months and I seem to jump from hypo to hyper symptoms. Any ideas where I should go from here?
Does anyone know of a good private endo in Ches... - Thyroid UK
Does anyone know of a good private endo in Cheshire?m

Lou has a list here: thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/diagno...
Jane x

Thank you, I have applied for the list. I did get a list previously but nothing in Cheshire....fingers crossed this time!
Hi I would send your present Endo an e mail via their sec, a letter on email, .Explain how you are and ask to see them quickly. Do not send a message ,not reliable.
I would also phone the sec and ask for any cancellation.
I do have a brilliant, lovely, private Endo at Leamington Spa. If interested send me a PM, click on my name to send a message.
Best wishes,
Hi thanks for that. I have tried all ways to get a message to the doctor herself, I can't find an email address just a phone number for secretaries. I have left numerous messages on answer phone and they only came back to me once, to say an appointment would be sent soon - and it wasn't!! My latest plan is to see my GP later this week and see if she has a more direct communication route...sorry to moan but this is about basic communication as well as the delay, grrrr!! I am putting off going down the private route for the moment as I really felt she listened - but she appears to have disappeared Into a black hole! If I get nowhere by Christmas I will contact you in January for your endos details. Thanks.
Hi I have learnt from experience hopeless to leave message, of course ,how ever good a sec, not a doc, get muddled.Phone the sec and ask for her e mail address,Then send it, , I have found this the only way, in letter form. Do not post as will get lost.
You should have an e mail address on your GP report from last consultation. It will be the sec`s.
As you were pleased with her, I would stay with her.
Best wishes,
Well believe it or not the phone rang as I finished the last message and it was the secretary! Says she has asked appointments to take me off waiting list and send a definitive appointment. Understood my frustration and explained they are completely overwhelmed with patients. How awful, I am struggling somewhat but there must be so many people in a worse state....oh well, that's lessened my stress levels considerably! Fingers crossed.... Thanks for your support and info.