Back to dr's yet again: 12.20 breathing quite bad... - Thyroid UK

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Back to dr's yet again

mandy72 profile image
16 Replies

12.20 breathing quite bad and oxygen levels are dropping to92-93

im scared to death really but it needed to be done

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mandy72 profile image
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16 Replies
mandy72 profile image

was a waste of time i sat down he looked at me and asked' whats wrong now?' so i told him about me breathing and low oxygen so he stuck the oximeter on my finger and my oxygen was 98 so he looked at me and said 'see theres no problem' i replied' no there never ******* is when im here' i asked if he could give me something to help when i am struggling his reply was 'you cant keep getting different medications for different things i see you managed to get more diazepan off dr h' i then replied 'well yes i did and if you look hes allso given me antidepressants and he could clearly see i was suffering and needed help' he then said 'since you have been on thyroxine you are allways ill' my reply was 'yes i was but if you look dr r took me off them a couple of weeks ago' he then said well you will have to wait and see what the specialist has to say' i then asked about my cough which leads to choking and gasping for air so he gave me third degree on smoking so i told him i was cutting down using an ecig (every other fag for now) so he says 'well there you go you are giving up smoking so you will get a cough....allso you may suffer from anxiety as you quit more'..............bloody idiot dr sat there with a friggin huge grin on his face the entire time

Jackie profile image

Hi mandy, it takes about 3 months for iron/ferritin and I think probably for B12 to reach max.Normally a retest after 4 months.I just wonder if it is that? Otherwise make sure you have specialist input as needed.


mandy72 profile image
mandy72 in reply to Jackie

Hi Jackie i see endo monday so will mention the breathing low oxygen to him and hope he does the proper blood tests ect that are needed

if that fails i will go see dr h at my surgery as he does seem to allso taking photos when oxygen levels do drop so then i can show proof its actually happening

Jackie profile image

Hi Mandy, sounds a good idea assuming you had have had stress test, ( Machine;walking) and an Echo ( like a pregnancy one). Have you also had your FBC Us and E. and LFT`s ( liver) done?

I know you had a home monitor, cardiac, but if it was only 24 hours, try and have one for 7, 2 Cardios told only makes a psychological difference. Mine goes down to 76. Are you breathless walking? That is the most important thing.

Having PC trouble so I hope this makes sense, 4th attempt!


mandy72 profile image
mandy72 in reply to Jackie

Hi Jackie ive only had the 24 hour tape. My grumpy dr wasnt happy referring me for that one

no blood tests since september and dr is saying levels are fine so to be retested next year

im very breathless walking and going up the stairs is a chore and a half i use both bannisters to kind of pull me up

i got scared last night when mine went to 87 id be calling for an ambulance if mine got to 76

im really hoping endo does full bloods and that it is anemia and not some lung problem (lung cancer with my mum my aunt and great uncle)

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to mandy72

Hi There is nothing worse than not knowing, that is very much heart felt.Did you have the other cardiac tests If GP so difficult I doubt he will refer to you to a Cardio, needs to be a arrythmia expert. I would do HR readings, manually 3 times a day especially when a problem, take to the GP, should help.

Endo can do a tertiary referral., if you ask.It can definitely be Iron/ferritin and B12 + foliates, but also the first sign of cadiac problems. Did you have an echo, thinking of valves ? They could cause this problem.. Have you had a chest Xray?

please do not rely on GP most cannot diagnose anything!

I hope that gives you some idea, a lot of this is Endo too.

Best wishes,


mandy72 profile image
mandy72 in reply to Jackie

i had a chest x ray about 3 months ago and that came back clear

the only other thing ive had done is ecg

drs allways have a listen to my chest and say it sounds fine

but now i feel like im being a pain when i go see the dr especially the one i seen eysterday as he comes across as annoyed to see me there again like im making it all up as stats are allways spot on

i have a blood pressure monitor (wrist one as cannot afford to buy an arm one yet as been hit with a tonne of bills) and that stores readings so i guess i could remove battery and start monitoring morning noon and night and take that over and hope its as accurate as the arm ones they use

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to mandy72

Hi The most important thing , at the moment is your heart rate, pulse, it has to be done manually, only way accurate. Do not use your thumb, sit down 10 mins first, or in bed.Scanderlous that you have not had the tests, especially Echo, as this is a symptom of a valve, most often Mitral Valve, Cured with surgery am too ill for it, but know all the horrible symptoms, I had because so bad. my Aorta too..

I honestly think you need to make a fuss with the GP, find the good and suitable Cardio first, some terrible ones, I think I have seen them all, 2 good ones now, after all my life! Is there another GP in the practice? Can someone go with and stress how ill you are?Unfortunately some men are still very prejudist .

Sorry, dare not correct spelling as PC not cooperating!


mandy72 profile image
mandy72 in reply to Jackie

i do manually check my pulse sometimes after using the oximeter just to make sure its accurate and it normally is

but can manually check no probs measure 15 secs times by 4

there is a good dr at my surgery but getting into see him is impossible as he is a very good dr who will listen and not rush you through the door (hes the one who picked up my depression about my mum...he used to personally take her prescriptions round to her)

I dont know anything about a Mitral Valve and im not googling it life threatening?

My husband can come with me to drs

ill give the surgery a call tomorrow and get the next appointment with DR H but could be nearer or after christmas.....ill pour my heart out to endo and see what he can do

if all else fails i could do an A/E visit but then ill only get an ecg

last time i went to A/E with my breathing the nurse had a right go at me saying i should have called my dr (this was 4pm on a saturday)

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to mandy72

Hi You need to do the H.R for 2 weeks, do not use thumb.If it is an arrthymia, the reason you had the monitor, it will show, on the readings, sort of jumps , very uneven.

It could also be asthma, can start any age, lung tests., but do not think it is

Mitral valve, it is comnon to not be perfect, never a problem. but some times if gets worse, in time, then surgery, very successful. It would show on an Echo,Do you ever have a problem with fluid? That can be a symptom too.Simple to rule out on an echo. If very bad a decent doc can hear it with stethoscope.

I would certainly wait and see the decent doc. Breathlessness is not nice, but even oxygen only helps temporary.You just need to find the cause.

Having to go into hospitals lots of times a year, and a good one. I would say do not go to A and E, you will not sop breathing, try steam. Far better to have a decent referral than rely on a junior doctor.If you do go, you have to say, suddenly got much worse.Also do not go evenings or weekends!!!!

I am very anti taking my husband, he is a pest, however, I think if you did ,it might help, tell him what to say first ie how bad and ill you are., and that there must e aq cause and he wants you to be referred to a Cardio.

My heart is very bad, could not be any worse, but I saw 5 Cardios before I was treated correctly,so do make sure it is someone good. Always a large teaching hospital.

let me know, You can always send me a PM.. I always rep0ly unless in Hospital.

Jac kie

mandy72 profile image
mandy72 in reply to Jackie

Hi Jackie

i can do 2 weeks

dr said heart tape looked good no problems so kind of got me stuck and i know my heart rate was jumping as i went upstairs and it gets to about 120-130 i allso went on our weekly shop which is normally 3 shops with my 2 oldest kids in the back of the car acting like 5 year olds (they are 22 and 23 btw lol)

ive had all the drs in the surgery listen to my chest getting me to cough hold my breath deep breaths and fast breaths and it sounds fine

funny you should say about using steam as i have a humidifier in my bedroom and a fan so i can sleep and i find the colder the room the better i feel yet i HATE being cold

i just told hubby that when i see dr h i want him to come and tell him how bad it is and that hes really worried and wants me referred to a cardi specialist........he said if it will help he will do it so thats good

im so sorry to hear your heart is bad it must be real scarey for you

my fears are heart and lungs

ive suffered shortness of breath mainly with excersise for a while but i myself put it down to weight and smoking

it has gotten much worse since starting levo and id never ever experianced a fast heart beat until the levo either think it was about 4 weeks after starting a 25mcg dose

have never had my iron ect tested as have copies of bloods posted on here somewhere

i do remember asking in A/E the last time i was there and got told offif i was anemic and the nurse rudly replied 'why on earth would you think that ill go look at your bloods'.....she never did answer so maybe when i was referred to A/E a while ago and they did blood tests they never checked for iron

thanks for all you help Jackie i really do appreciate it x

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to mandy72

It sounds to me as if the tape was not long enough, this happens, and if you have another one, be active! If a Cardio does one at a top hospital, better as some tecs at small hospitals get it wrong. H.R ( Pulse) is the normal recognised initial test

It is unusual for an ECG to show an uneven rythym, arrythmia as it is done once, It is unusual to be all the times, except after many years.

monitor is non stop ECG`s. I have had 2 all my life, then another very dangerous one last few years. It was a long time before the other two became a big problem, hard to diagnose then, once it was, treated.The bloods , electrolytes can effect it, so take care to have them in range, most better low in range, about the middle of range, Potassium and sodium,U`s and E`s,Magnesium, separate test, very important as tiny range. Corrected calcium, very dangerous over range.

Remember once a doc found some thing wrong, all put down to that, unless a brilliant at diagnosing.


mandy72 profile image
mandy72 in reply to Jackie

i was active and stressed when i had it on as was shopping.

hopefully all down to anemic or thyroid treatment

ill get Dr H to take a look as i think he may know a bit more as did say too little or too much thyroxine can cause a fast heart

i just want to get this all sorted so i can do shopping...walk up the stairs ect

i got a tonne of prezzies to wrap and sort and if i dont get them done santa wont be coming :(

Hi Mandy so sorry to hear you are having such problems.Just wanted to add tho please don't get too hung up on heart lung issues,at least not yet! Your anxiety can so easily be causing all the issues you are having and it's staggering how many physical symptoms it can give,when there is actually nothing physically wrong,but for all the world it feels very physical!! Also anxiety breeds more anxiety,so things get worse.

Did all this kick off after diagnosed with thyroid issues? Was it since then you have been reading up on medical stuff,visiting forums,googling etc? Doing all those things,although they can be helpful and informative, can make one more anxious and carry on the cycle.From starting with 1 or. 2 health issues we can easily get to 10 by doing this and worry ourselves stupid in the process. Ask yourself, before thyroid issues did I google health conditions,visit forums etc?or did I just get along and on with life?

It's horrid to feel you have these conditions and nobody is listening or doing much but very often that is because there is nothing wrong and there is nothing to do to correct a physical ailment.if so far all the X-rays,ecg and other tests have shown nothing worrying that really is a positive thing and the likelihood is they are all fine,but it's just getting the mind to believe that.had personal experience of it and it is bloody awful state to get in but if you can try to put stuff logically and in perspective it can lead you to see that is maybe what's happening. Hoping you get some relief from this soon Hugs to you.

mandy72 profile image
mandy72 in reply to

hi cupi

i got my thyroid tested due to wait no other symptons at all

was a few weeks after taking 25mcg levo it all started so i called dr (who is allso hypo) and told her what was happening and she increased me to 50mcg and was on such a low dose and things got worse and worse

i went back to see hypo dr suggesting the thyroxine was making me ill to which she replied she was on it too and had never been ill

i was constantly at the drs seeing whoever was available to be pretty much told theres nothing wrong with me

hypo dr even made a point one day of saying i had seen every dr in the surgery complaining of feeling ill

then i see another dr and broke down in her office saying i felt the levo was making me ill she asked what symptons i had before starting and when i told her none she took me off them (11 november) i did feel really hypo a few days back and started taking again but decided against as im scared i will get worse)

dr H is fab he wants depression sorted and then thyroid

i see endo monday for the first time so hopefully will get help

i did google after weeks and weeks of suffering and was seeing too little or too much thyroxine

and recently been looking further into it which was then i came across being anemic

tired all the time ....very heavy periods....shortness pulse.....even read it can lower oxygen levels so have now been taking ferrous sulphate 200mg 3 times a day with orange juice....folic acid and b12 (only cheapy ones at moment) but as soon as i mention blood test they tell me everything is ok

meki profile image

You need to go back and insist they do an ecg and a heart echogram

I had this problem from March this year and finally my GP (after seeing others in the practice) sent me. Thank goodness she did. I am having a replacement naortic heart valve 13th December. Keep going do not give up

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