Hi i.m off to doctors tomorrow to see if i can get treatment for borderline thyroid hypo want to see if i can get the lower dose to see if i will improve on it. But is it ok to take the medication while breastfeesing. Also does the tablets contain hormones .
Can you take thyroid treatment when breastfeeding - Thyroid UK
Can you take thyroid treatment when breastfeeding

My daughter has been hypo since birth, and recently had a baby. Her meds were upped during her pregnancy but she was then advised to return to her normal dose after the birth. At no time was she advised by her Endo to reduce thyroxine. They were aware she intended to breasfeed.
I took it
I think the theory is, you are only replacing what your body is lacking anyway - that's what the consultant told me when I was holding my new born baby all those years ago and distraught when I realised she would be on meds for life!
Gosh pregnancy would be a reason to treat, not wait! Levothyroxine is one of the few drugs you can take whilst donating breastmilk to special care baby units, definitely no problem with breastfeeding.
Sounds like your dr isn't very knowledgable re hypothyroidism though so make sure you get all the test results and get them checked.....
Well i tried couldn.t get a print off she wasn.t quite sure what to do. She showed me the results over the last few years and said last 2 was fine it was 2.4 and 2.2 and says on screen normal the abnormal one was 3.4 and .3.3 and she put it down to just having a baby wouldn.t do more tests until 6 months . All symptems are being having babys and being a mother it seems thats what she said .i.m so gutted i thought i had alzimers (sorry about spelling) cause my memory is so bad .so back ti square one .o yeah she said take some vitamins aswell might make you feel better.
Really glad it didn't cause ou problems - 2.49 gave me miscarriages and was making it take longer and longer to get pregnant. I'm not surprised she won't prescribe, the GP guidelines are weird (personally I think they must be a mistake - sign off error maybe!). It was a miscarriage specialist that prescribed for me and I got pregnant this time immediately, baby now 4 weeks. I think you'd have to go private to get treatment. I could 't work so it was worth it to get my energy and personality back. I was so ill I didn't even get jokes any more and couldn't make any either!
I.ve tried and tried and i.ve also suffered 3 miscarriges but they keep telling me i.m tired looking after my kids etc and anything else i tell her she has an answer for that aswell. The cold is there worst my heating is on 24/7 i even have it on during summer people always tell me its hot in my house and they can never stay in there long but i.ve got to have it on . Anyone know how much it costs to have the full tests privately
Sorry for your losses. It's about £100 for the blood tests plus consultation, so maybe another £100-£150 on top and £80 for follow up appointments.
If you want another baby google The Miscarriage Clinic and give them a call as they might treat you, not sure they'd treat you post partum as it's not their specialty. They might recommend an endo though.