Hi all ,
I have had an under-active thyroid since I was diagnosed at 14 years old. I am on 150mg each day and have struggled with my weight ALWAYS !
I also have severe nerve damage in my back for 6 years. I have to take trammadol 50mg two for four times a day , which is known to cause both weight gain and loss . I also take paracetamol two for four times a day which I know does not affect weight but always wondered if 6 years of taking would damage my liver . Finally I take lyrica / pregabalin which is a known weight gaining nerve drug.
So you can see that not only do I have an under-active thyroid but also take pain medication that causes weight gain.
I went to slimming world and kept a food diary and still could not lose weight despite doing additionally three times a week cardio at the gym for an hour. I found cardio hard with chronic nerve pain but want to lose weight even if the next day I am in agony
I am starting to feel depressed by the weight issue and wondered if having a good intolerance test along with a dietician would help . Has anyone else tried this ?