Can't recall if I found this on here or another site, so i'll post it anyway.........It is quite long, but the best I've seen in a long time.
Really good video! :): Can't recall if I found... - Thyroid UK
Really good video! :)

Thanks for posting.. as the video is so long, perhaps you could provide a synopsis so people can judge if they wish to watch it.

It's about trying to get to the root cause and fixes of hashimoto's and all autoimmune illnesses.
Anyone else find him a bit annoying?..........
To be honest UnderAgain 19, i find them all annoying

Hi UnderAgain19, i think maybe i'm a bit tooo English and a bit too cynical. But when i click on these videos some of these doctors are little more than salespeople praying on the sick. I don't wish to offend, but there does seem to be financial gain involved. Also if this doctor has hashimotos he doesn't exactely the picture of health. Again sorry if i offend, that's not my intention. If these videos help some people i'd be the first person to be really pleased. I just can't watch them, they stir up something ugly within me in seconds

Helcaster, I totally agree, my thoughts exactly....

I agree also......while I think he talks a lot of sense, it puts me off when they try and push a brand of supplements on you.
We're all looking for answers, i understand why people watch them. I didn't want to upset anyone, but i just can't watch them. I put an animated one on once i can't remember what they were called now, but it was about mocking doctors re the TSH. They are really witty!

Would love to see them...
Hi UnderAgain19,
I'm using a phone so can't figure out how to put the links on, but i'll give you the titles. They are both animated films and on youtube.
Our Holy Miracle Of The Infallible TSH Test.
The other one is:-
Why Isn't My Thyroid Medication Working.
Just google away. I hope you enjoy them. X

Thank you Helcaster, will seek them out.....
They are well worth it, and just shows poor treatment is on a global scale. Funny but also incredibly frustrating to watch. X

LOL.........Helcaster, these are brilliant!
Thank you....
Here are the links:
Hi UnderAgain19,i knew you would appreciate watching them! X
I'll send it to you.
Hi Shaws, this is a great video, would you be able to send me the link too, please, thank you
Hi Shaws
Please could you also send me the link. Thank you. J
I have just listened to this video and it does make sense. He himself has Hashimotos and his family have inhereted similar.
It lasts around 2 hours and there are other videos which are very informative. There is lots of good advice in trying to help ourselves get better.
Have watched about half an hour and need a rest - very similar to Izabella Wentz ideas - she also has a website and facebook page her book is Hashimoto's Root Cause - she has a couple of short interviews with Marc Ryan on Healing Hashimoto's webpage - I have signed up for her email newslettersYour thyroid Pharmacist - may break down some of the principles being told by Dr Johnson video - thanks buggles84
whats the essence of the long video then? Is there a magic pill? :0)

The link to the video is this:
(With added spaces, this is the original link:
youtube. com/watch?v=dwnhT384s
Hope it works!
Fantastic, Google Lonnie Herman, another brilliant doctor.
Don't like his presentation style but I think he's quite passionate about his subject, with good cause, as he and his family have Hashimotos. If you can get passed that, I think he puts it across in a way that makes it easy to understand, given our foggy brains. What he recommends re. diet and remedies is explained clearly and confirms other studies on Hashimotos.
Well said pettals! There's a lot of information (definitely more than just a pill needed), but the video's well worth watching.
And thank you buggles84 for posting it.