Before treatment in March:
TSH 7.7 FT4 10.2 Cholesterol 7.1 Given 25 mcg Levo Test was for diabetes (negative) as I have a cataract but have had borderline underactive thyroid results before, so a routine test was done.
TSH 5.3 FT4 13. 7 Given 50 mcg Levo
TSH 9.9 FT4 13.1 Dose now increased to100 mcg Levo
Sorry I don't have the reference ranges.
My symptoms come and go but I have felt rough for the last 10 days I felt OK on the day of the test. By rough I mean indigestion, morning sore throat, feeling of tightness, croaky voice at times, dry throat. Painful joints and stiffness. Tired.Think I may have been fighting a bug off as visited a friend who had the flu. I had pneumo and flu jabs a year ago and incredibly haven't even had a cold since. I also, however, no longer work in a school.; was ill 2/3 times a year with increasingly bad chest infections afterwards. Have given up smoking with no cravings apart from recently, still on the wagon and vaping.Stress levels recently have been higher. TBH I have become less disciplined re taking Levo away from coffee and my sleep is poor so I do not always take it at the same time of day.I didn't tell the doc this.
It seems a big jump in Levo Should I cut the tabs and go to 75? With water and alarm clock? Or are fluctuations like this normal? As far as I know my TSH has never been this high though T4 hasimproved.