Should I reduce my medication ? Thanks unfortunately my doctor does not have a clue
Morning, I had my results back for serum tsh le... - Thyroid UK
Morning, I had my results back for serum tsh level which is 2.93 miu/l. I have read that to concieve you need to be between 1 & 2 ?

Rather than reducing your medication, your GP should have given an increase. Even for those of us who are not looking to be pregnant we usually feel better with a low TSH. (i.e. with a high TSH thyroid medication lowers it and you need enough thyroid hormones to feel well). Your TSH at nearly 3 I would say is on the high side.
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Thank you for taking time to reply. No he actually reduced my medication. I am so confused as to how all this works ..
I would change my GP as he obviously doesn't know very much. If they don't know what they are doing, they can cause us to be more unwell.
It's no wonder you are confused.
If you can afford a private consultation (you may only need one) who can advise you and write to your GP, email for a list of doctors.
Ter1, the TSH rises as thyroid function falls. The higher your TSH, the lower your thyroid function. It is not a thyroid hormone, it is a pituitary hormone, whose job is to stimulate the thyroid to work. That's why when you are hypothyroid the TSH rises - sometimes to over 100 if it is undiagnosed. Hope this explains shaws' reply. The higher the TSH rises, the more thyroxine would be needed.
Think I am starting to understand. So six weeks ago i had a test for serum tsh which was 0.08, T4 21.9,serum free triiodothyronine 5.1 and he told me to reduce medication so taking 7.5 mls daily at the moment. Now apparently it's normal doctor has put range at 0.03 - 5.5
Thank guys for helping
I was told to conceive you should aim for tsh of 2.
Thanks. I spoke with doctor yesterday and he said as long as I am in normal range it would not be a problem.
I would question that, if you arent properly medicated there is a high risk of miscarriage. Im hoping to ttc soon and my tsh is below 1 which ive heard is ideal x
I did, his response was not to believe everything you read on the Internet ! I personally believe that it should be one and two but have no idea how much to change medication to
Ah hun your doctor sounds useless, sorry! Please get yourself under better care before you get pregnant as you shoyld be monitored closely by someone who actually knows what they are doing! Maybe another doc in same practise?? Hugs x
Maybe I should pay for a private consultation then as the doctors say I should not change my medication dosage. I don't want to increase it myself as I have no idea what I should increase to
I dont think your comment is very helpful, are you suggesting we shouldnt have children because we have thyroid problems???!!! My family is full of autoimmune illnesses, in fact the whole world is. Our children may or may not be affected, but at least we are educated and informed and know the symptoms to watch out for.