hi all my question is two years ago i had a over active thyroid i have been in remission for 2 years just latley ive been very tired so went to the doctors she gave me a blood test to check and now its gone under active and ive also put weight on confused any replies would be helpfull ?
thyroid: hi all my question is two years ago i... - Thyroid UK

Why do you say you had an overactive thyroid?
A lot of people who have Hashimoto's thyroiditis (basically an autoimmune disease that eventually destroys the thyroid) actually go through periods of hyperthyroidism as the disease progresses.
If your hyperthyroidism was due to that, what you describe is entirely understandable and even predictable.
If, however, you were diagnosed with Graves' disease, then the situation is a bit more complicated. It is perfectly possible for people to have BOTH Graves' and Hashimoto's.
Do you have your test results over the past few years? (Including reference ranges.) If not, I urge you to get hold of them. Have a read of this:
hi i had graves disease and i had a uptake scan i got it on disc the consultant gave me to show if it returned but as i now gone underactive?
You will put weight on with an UNDERACTIVE thyroid quite quickly and its a wonder that you haven,t had the aches in your joints to go with it not to mention the night cramps. Maybe your GP should be putting up your dose. Once you are are on Levothyroxin you are on it for life. I could,nt get by without it now. I have a very good GP who sent me for a load of blood tests then it was diagnosed she steadily started me on Levothyroxin tablets up from 25mcg to 50 to 75 to 100 finally I seem to have levelled out at 150mcg and have lost 1 stone over the year I started with it, no silly diets just normal exercise. I have got my waist back which had disappeared although I exercised regularly 3 times a week at the Gym. I feel great now and so much more energy. Good Luck with any treatment you may undertake. They just need to get the dose right by sending you for regular blood tests every 2 - 3 months and you will be feeling great in no time.
That's what worries me as I'm gaining weight on meds for hyperthyroidism. U may need to go on thyroxine now to stimulate it
I've been on 100 mcg Levothyroxine for 10 years for underactive Thyroid. I'm in the menopause and seem to get bigger even when I exercise regularly. . Any tips? constantly urinating and feeling hungry. Also. Anna
Hey, used to have severe Graves Disease (highest levels GP had ever come across before and since) with large doses of anti-thyroid drugs. Since having a complete thyroidectomy a number of years ago and the subsequent reliance on sodium levothyroxine, I've encountered these troubles. There are three things I've noticed helped me lose over four stone, first avoid large quantities of carbohydrates, protein like meats and such seem to have no negative effect but other foods seem to be killers, experiment with your diet. Second watch what you drink, water is the best advice and quite a bit of it, all soft drinks, even diet seemed to kill any metabolism I have left whereas water leaves me feeling surprisingly healthy. Third and most important, cardiovascular exercises, don't mess about doing comfortable walks. The one method for me to lose weight, boost metabolic rate and make me feel overall better (no tiredness, etc) was to take up cycling and running. You gotta fight your way through the 'wall'.