Ok started t3, was taking 150mgs of t4 so reduced to 100mgs then added 25 of t3, feel really dizzy, also pains in arms and legs, anybody else feel like this and for how long, was hoping to feel better, any help please gill x
Started t3: Ok started t3, was taking 150mgs of t... - Thyroid UK
Started t3

hi i felt dizzy and ill for about a week but was worth it as i feel so much better now also lost nearly a stone in that week..even better
Cookie, who is advising you? In my non-medical opinion you are hitting your body with active T3 at much too high a daily dose too quickly. Dr Toft supervised my addition of T3 to T4. My T4 was reduced by 50mcg for each 10mcg T3 added. You are reducing T4 by 50 mcg then taking 25mcg T3. This seems to me to be a rather high substitution rate, seemingly suddenly introduced, as it is 2.5 times greater than Dr T's substitution rate. I would say, slow down, buy a pill-splitter and balance the T4/T3 ratios less extremely and take about three weeks to get the T4/T3 ratios balanced, especially if you are older.
It might help to know I also take my T3 in 3 x 5mcg doses throughout the day to maintain a constant supply of T3 which has a much shorter half-life than T4, so any T3 taken is reckoned to be "used up" in 8 to 12 hours.
hi, yes was on 150 levo and reduced it to 100 x good luck x am taking 20 of t3
Hi Not sure how you started the T3, but best to start on the tiniest dose the first week, take before a blood test. This is the best policy for side effect from all medicines, except of course, cardiac etc and antibiotics.
Best wishes,
Cheers x