blood results came back and i dont know what to... - Thyroid UK

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blood results came back and i dont know what to do now........

mandy72 profile image
7 Replies

thyroid levels have dropped from 10.1 down to 5 everything else was fine except borderline diabetic and not needing tretment this dr now needs to talk to the dr who put me on levo to see if i have to continue or stop taking i need to stop or lower the dose? i still feel exhausted brain fog moody achy body and was told the symptons should have stopped now levels are back to normal

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mandy72 profile image
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7 Replies
marram profile image

mandy72, what do you mean by 'thyroid levels'? If that is your TSH then it is NOT normal unless you feel absolutely hunky-dory, which you apparently don't!.

In the USA this TSH level would be considered hypothyroid, without doubt. Please do check that you are talking about your TSH. Why would you stop the tablets? If you stop them, your TSH will go up again! The idea is to get you feeling well and then stay on that dose.

Don't you just HATE it when they say things like that? Actually I am feeling angry for you because you are being badly dealt with, apparently your doctor doesn't have much idea. How DARE they say the symptoms 'should have' stopped!

You may need to check things like iron/folate/ferritin plus B12 and vitamin D, because any deficiency in these can lead to the symptoms you describe, and often go hand-on-hand with low thyroid function.

While you have these tests, don't let them stop your thyroid medication, it will make you ill again and you would be right back where you started.

Marie XX

mandy72 profile image
mandy72 in reply to marram

Hi Marie yes my TSH is at 5 which they said was normal allthough i feel rubbish in my self im hoping they keep me on the meds and just hope i start to improve.....i have a feeling my dr's treat for levels not how im far as im aware everything that was checked came back fine i even got told my kidneys were fine not that i was too worried about them no mention of t3 t4 vit b12 and d or iron ....guess ill have to wait and see what dr says i have 5 weeks worth of levo with me at the moment and have repeat prescription so ill try putting one of those in and if they stop ill just be over the dr's every other day complaining about how ill i feel

mandy72 profile image
mandy72 in reply to mandy72

she allso said something about subclinical??................couldnt remember while typing post earlier

marram profile image
marram in reply to mandy72

5 is 'normal'? Only if you feel fine!

I was really ill with a TSH of 1.4, my cholesterol was through the roof, I started having mini-strokes and I could not walk. My TSH is now 0.03 and I have my life back, plus my cholesterol is falling and I have lost over a stone in weight.

Some people only feel well when their TSH is well below 1, and some others have a TSH of over 2 and feel well. The TSH is an extremely variable and personal thing,

There is a very useful book by Dr Toft, whose resume is summed up here:

"I have spent 30 years as a consultant physician in a major teaching hospital where I had a major interest in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with thyroid disease, but dealt with the whole spectrum of endocrinology, except diabetes.

I was a Consultant Physician and Endocrinologist at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh between 1978 and 2009, Physician to Her Majesty the Queen in Scotland from 1996 until retiral from the NHS, a former President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and of the British Thyroid Association. My main interest in endocrinology is in the diagnosis and management of patients with thyroid disease. I have published widely in all the leading journals and have lectured throughout the world."

The book is 'Understanding Thyroid Disorders' and is available on Amazon and larger chemists, is very informative and in particular has a page on 'Judging the Correct Dose of Thyroxine' which is very helpful. It is less than £5.

The 'sub-clinical' remark is most interesting. sub-clinical hypothyroidism means that the TSH when tested is higher than normal, yet the patient shows no signs and does not complain of symptoms.

Pardon me, but are you not complaining of symptoms? Whoever said that is talking out of an orifice other than the mouth, and clearly does not understand the meaning of 'sub-clinical'. Maybe thinks just throw a few clever-sounding remarks into the pot and she'll shut up and go away.

Jackie profile image

Hi To reliterate what everyone else has said. You need a blood test for tSH, T4 and Free T3 for a "proper" diagnosis. On line if difficult. Regarding the diabetes, essential to go on the diabetic diet, look it up. Also you need retests every year. You would not know if it went a little over. It is autoimmune and hormonal, type 2, as thyroid diseases mostly is.

Best wishes,


Piplysmelie profile image
Piplysmelie in reply to Jackie

I am stunned by your doctor, is there another doctor you can see in your practice, if there is I would see them. He seems to be verging on incompetent.

Definately get the Dr Toff book I have a copy and take it along to every doctors appointment. I used this when my doctor wanted to keep me on 50mcg of levo with a TSH of 2.5. Apparently I was nicely mid range and should have felt wonderful. In fact I felt like death warmed up. I showed him the page which stated the aim is to get TSH low even below 1 if that is what is required. (Paraphrased sorry!). Anyway worked for me.

Also get the vits and minerals checked as suggested.

The other thing is that I think they can not just stop your medication if you don't agree. I seem to remember reading that on a forum, so you could check it out further.

Piplysmelie profile image
Piplysmelie in reply to Piplysmelie

One other point always get a print out of your blood results. I was also told my kidney function was fine but actually had a low kidney function score. The lab did not flag it on the results so the doctor missed it. It was only after talking to another doctor about some pain relief for my back did anyone pick it up. I now always get copies.

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