Had my B12 result today and it's 218 range 150 ... - Thyroid UK

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Had my B12 result today and it's 218 range 150 to 900 to receptionist said it's in the normal range. However, is it worth supplementing this

a58_-m profile image
14 Replies

I take 175mcg of levo and 3x500 metformin a day, tired and aching all the time. Some days worst than others.

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a58_-m profile image
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14 Replies

Your B12 is not normal and I imagine you have low folate as well. Metformin will deplete both. You also have a higher risk of B12 deficiency anyway because of being hypo.



You can read more at B12d.org or at the Pernicious Anaemia Society websites.





B12d.org have an email address on the homepage (in the box about Dr Chandy on the right hand side). The PAS has a contact phone number, manned in normal office hours.


a58_-m profile image

Thanks for this. When I said to the RECEPTIONIST that it was in the lower end of the range she just kept repeating that it's in the normal range.

tegz profile image
tegz in reply to a58_-m

At least she could be excused her confusion- but the Docs,No- never!

Next time just comment that Normal includes too many sick and 'end of life' samples to be credible -and you need Optimal! :)

I hope your GP does his job on this, so hopefully it shouldn't arise again.

in reply to a58_-m

I would have asked her for details of her medical training. Sadly, your doc would have probably said the same thing.

a58_-m profile image

The problem is I'm not very encouraged by my 2 recent doctor's appointments when I've been told that with 2 chronic conditions which are never going to get better, I can expect not to feel well and will just have to modify my life style to manage. However, I have a degree in cell biology and so I understand many of the biological processes that go on and how one thing effects another. They all seen to think that as we are not doctors we have no understanding of the chemical processes in the body. A friend of mine was not treated for B12 anaemia until he was below 100 and even then it was missed for several weeks because no one alerted the doctor. What is equally crazy is that my dad who had it was told by a GP that he wanted to space out his B12 injections instead of giving them every 6 weeks as he might get addicted to them!! So for 2 or 3 weeks whilst waiting for the next injection he became quite ill any unable to function properly. However, I will try to speak to them again. I should get my hbA1c result tomorrow and depending on that I will book another GP appointment to discuss my treatment.

angelharley profile image
angelharley in reply to a58_-m

I'm having the exact same fight on my hands. i had my B12 bloot test back last week and it was 182, Dr said it is in the normal range and that I'm not anemic, even thou he knows I'm presenting a lot of B12 defiency symptoms. My B12 in April was 250 so is falling. Are they going to retest in a month or so?

tegz profile image
tegz in reply to a58_-m

If you can't get adequate response next time -then Methylcolbamin B12 is safe to take sublingually, but you need to ensure your GP gets more inspired/interested as your figures are poor for a thyroid patient when they need to be better than average , say B12 >500.

You may even be able to reduce your Levo if nutritional status is improved!

a58_-m profile image

Don't know about retesting yet as only rang for the result and judging by the receptionists response the doctor will not even be asked to look at it.

angelharley profile image
angelharley in reply to a58_-m

It's difficult for me to give you sound advice, I'm struggling at the moment and asked my daughter to retest and B12 had fallen by quite a bit. I will be pushing for further testing, if it's gone up great but if its crashing surely GP's have to act before it does any permanent damage. Watch Dr Chandy on youtube, I watched it today, it's only 9 mins long and is very interesting. You can also have private blood tests done with Blue Horizon at Spire Hospitals, B12 blood tests are approx £58

Marz profile image

....sadly ranges seem to dominate medicine today. There is now an ACTIVE B12 Test which I think can be sent to you at home. I'm sure there is information on the main Thyroid UK website. This will indicate what is happening at a cellular level and is more accurate than the current one. What is normal for one is NOT normal for another.

Also docs do not understand that undiagnosed or undertreated thyroid issues can be linked to diabetes issues. Do you have Hashimotos ?...as I believe there can also be an auto-immune link. Also low B12 can be related to gut issues - as can most things - malabsorption ? I'm a Hashi's girl without a terminal ileum - hence my non-medical knowledge :-)

Hope all is resolved soon....

shaws profile image

My mother had pernicious anaemia and had quarterly injections for years until her doctor (the same one she always had) told her her blood was fine and now needed no more B12 injections but to continue with the folic acid. Eventually my mother continually complained about her stomach and was prescribed a series of different antacid meds with no referrals to anyone. She died with stomach cancer related to her untreated PA.

lola1956 profile image
lola1956 in reply to shaws

so sorry to hear that, nhs is crumbling before our very eyes, i worry for my young grandchildren

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to shaws

That's awful! I'm so sorry your mother was treated so badly :(

angelharley profile image

Sorry to hear that Shaws!!! Thats so poor of the NHS. xx

Also just to set my last post straight and I know that I have funny moments but I meant Docter not Daughter lol

I'm sure you all knew what I meant to say but I just read back on the last few posts and thought GOSH....can't even type what I'm thinking now haha

Well I'm off to Bristol for further blood tests and will report back as soon as I get these results back.

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