I was recently told that I may be in the boderline category for Diabetes, and had to have a Glucose test, the results came back, and doctor says there was nothing to worry about, they said at 6.2 glocuse levels I was borderline, but at 5.8 there is nothing to worry about, does anyone know what this means and why such a small amount makes all the difference. I was not given any advice on what to do, thankfully I found this site and NHS choices for a 12 wk programme.
Diabetes test: I was recently told that I may be... - Thyroid UK
Diabetes test

You could be insulin resistant which is the stage before full blown diabetes. I can only recommend reading Jack Challem's book Syndrome X to learn more. I had a private test via Red Apple for adrenals, when this came back it also showed I was insulin resistant at the time much to my complete surprise. Unfortunately I don't think GP's are particularly interested in insulin resistance and show more interest when levels are higher and reached a serious stage. The important point of all this is a borderline reading can encourage a person to sort their diet out, get levels back to normal and completely avoid going down the diabetes road. Not sure if this is you jbro but it is worth serious consideration.
Thank you Joyia, this is the road I am taken totally changing my eating habits and excercise. have lost 1.5 lbs in the past two weeks, which is good for me.
I had a fasting blood test for this which came back at 8.5 so had a glucose test done. However (old GPs) the nurse told me to go home then come back in an hour which I have since found out was wrong and I should have just sat there for an hour before being retested. The 2nd test came back at 5.9 and so they said it was OK. I have since changed GPs and it is borderline so having tests done every 6 months as random tests which give a better reflection of what my levels really are. Hope you get it sorted out.
I had a fasting blood test for this which came back at 8.5 so had a glucose test done. However (old GPs) the nurse told me to go home then come back in an hour which I have since found out was wrong and I should have just sat there for an hour before being retested. The 2nd test came back at 5.9 and so they said it was OK. I have since changed GPs and it is borderline so having tests done every 6 months as random tests which give a better reflection of what my levels really are. Hope you get it sorted out.
thank you for encouraging replies, I am goingback to my GP for more advice, but still mainting the health eating plan from NHS choices.
I went in for an eye test because last time I found out I had early cataracts. After examination, he thought I should be tested for Type 2 Diabetes so am going for a blood test tomorrow. This just blows me away since I'm dealing with other health issues. It's the waiting that kills me - after the blood test, you wait 3 days for doctor's results.
I'm not overweight, drink plenty of water (optician asked if I urinated frequently (yes 3 times in one hour) I just hate the thought (if I have it) of all the monitoring for blood glucose levels, etc.
And yet when you google up Diabetes type 2, they say you can reverse it with a good diet eating plan. What's to believe and why haven't they cured this yet with the millions of people who have this disease?
My sister got Type 1 at the advanced age of 46, but aside from that case, we've had absolutely no diabetes in our family.