Had follow up with consultant on 19/7/13.
I have been taking 20 mcg of T3 split in to 3 doses. I have built it up slowly over a month so have only been on the full 20 mcg for a week. I didn't take my dose that morning as I thought he would want me to have blood test.However he wants me to have the tests 5 hours after the last dose. I tried arguing that it would skew the results but he wouldn't have any of it.So what do I do advice needed please.The earliest I can have a blood draw is 9 am.He thinks I am taking in 2 doses- morning and late afternoon.
Qick recap
21/1/13 FT4-10.8
TSH 9.4 [0.35-5.50]
Between 21/1/13 and 18/6/13 I took T4 at 25 mcg every day for 2 weeks
25mcg every other day for 2 weeks
12.5 mcg every day for 2 weeks
I took my last dose of T4 on the 30/5/13
My results 18/6/13 were FT4 11.8
TSH 5.3
Would this small dose of T4 have had this effect on my levels? He argued that I must have had a non thyroidal illness and will not give me any increase in T3.saying 20 mcg is quite a large dose.
What do you guys think please
Many thanks for your help