Hi everyone
So pleased I have found this site so I don't feel so alone. Please forgive the long blog I am about to write but it feels so good to be "speaking" with people who understand.
I haven't felt well for a while, always cold, periods erratic, felt depressed and would often sit and cry wondering what was wrong with me, fuzzy head, weight gain, water retention, aches and pains, dry skin - the list is endless. I was told it was the menopause (im 43) and put on Prozac. This helped with the depression a bit but I still felt grim.
Eventually went back to DR and said how bad I felt and was sent for a blood test. By this time my eyesight was strange (seeing double at one point) and I didn't want to get out of bed. I was having palpitations and my legs felt like dead weights. I realised how withdrawn I had become too, often cancelling appts, plus I had become insecure and my esteem was low.
I got a call the day after my blood tests saying I needed to make an urgent appt with the doctor which I did and discovered I had an under active thyroid.
My TSH was 68.6 and my T4 was 3.3 and the doctor said it was the worst case he had seen for years. I was given 50mg of levothyroxine and told to get tested again in 6 weeks.
I was so relieved i had been diagnosed with something as i had thought i was going mad and i thought I would take this tablet and feel amazing. How stupid and naive am I??!
6 weeks on, I feel lousy. I feel more tired than ever, I still have all the symptoms I mentioned at the start, my throat feels as though I have a ball in it, my voice is starting to feel hoarse. I am so up and down too and regularly cry my eyes out, fall out with my teenage daughter, argue with my poor husband and feel as though I cannot cope with anything.
Please please please someone tell me it will get better, I really am not sure how much more I can take. I am now waiting for further blood test results and also antibodies results x