I am talking about in the twenty odd stones category.
I have been large but fit all my life. Used to be a dancer. But around 7 years ago after stopping smoking I ballooned. Granted I had become a full time carer for my mum, but I got bad. My legs started to swell about 5 years ago and I have lumpy oedema on my legs below the knee. I have trouble with my left foot too. Seems at this time my past blood tests show I was subclinical for Hypo at this time and symptomatic.
I was almost crippled 80% of the time before starting Levo. Now the foot and leg pain is less but not gone. I can walk on it with no pain most days but then one day I over do it and theen I am in terrible pain unable to walk.
I just got back my antibody test which shows Hashi's at 390.9 which is 10 times the top range level. I know I am under medicated as I am still very tired.
I am not losing weight as it just won't go. Has anyone else had similar whilst under medicated?
I am still finding my way with all this. I am very deficient in vitamin D and my leg pain has improved with taking 6000iu per day. I also taken vit B12 but careful about iron. Iron and folates are low but in range.
I just don't seem to know anyone my size like this. Most people are overweight in their eyes but not in mine. Several people keep telling me when the meds become optimum I should start to lose quite a bit of weight.
Most people my size stay bed bound and don't do half the exercise I do.