After having allergic reactions to levothyroxin for the last 18 months I have been taking Eltroxin. This has now stopped being manufactured and my GP referred me to an endocrinologist to discuss symptoms etc. He supported me taking Armour and wrote to my doctor saying she can prescribe it on a FP10 for as he is recommending it, the pharmacist can source it and he will leave the prescription and the monitoring with her. Only problem is she is refusing to do this due to licensing. Anyone else had problems or success getting the prescription and do you know a doctor in Colchester or near that does support it.........
ARMOUR - been prescribed by endocrinologist but... - Thyroid UK
ARMOUR - been prescribed by endocrinologist but doctor refusing to write prescription.....

My GP prescribes Armour and that was before I saw an endocrinologist. She had to ask the PCT but as I am unable to take Levo it has not been a problem. She also did some reading as she said had to be happy to prescribe it. Perhaps another GP in the practice would be more willing? I appreciate I am fortunate and many people do seem to have problems.
If she is worried about her neck being on the line she can write on the prescription "as per consultant's instructions".
She is allowed to prescribe on a named patient basis. She shouldn't have a problem with this.
I hope you can convince her to do it!
Carolyn x
Eltroxin is identical to Mercury Pharma Levothyroxine which is available. They are the same product but packaged in two different ways.
Your GP can indeed write a standard prescription for Armour. However, when any doctor writes a prescription, and most especially for an unlicensed product (or a licensed product but used off-label), they are individually responsible for doing so.
At the same time, they are also responsible for your health. So refusing to write a prescription when it is needed could also been seen as transgressing the duties of a doctor.
You can read up on duties here:
I appreciate that this does not directly and immediately help you. Hopefully someone will be able to point you in the direction of a doctor who would do so.
If the product is identical why has it been replaced with something the same?? I was put on Eltroxin which is more expensive than levo due to having allergic reactions to the excipients
of generic levo and therefore am a bit nervous about going back on it as cannot afford to get poorly again. Even on Eltroxin if I am late by a few hours taking the tablets then it has a knock on effect. I appreciate any advice I am given
But that's what worries me as my Eltroxin is produced by Mercury Pharma so they've replaced it with something cheaper.
No they have not replaced Eltroxin by something cheaper and, you appear to be implying, inferior.
There are temporary supply problems with the ones packaged as Eltroxin. We are assured that the Eltroxin packaged product will return at some point.
We have been repeatedly told by Mercury (Amdipharm Mercury Company Limited as they are now) that the two products are the same.
Mercury Pharma Levothyroxine (and before their name changed, Goldshield Levothyroxine) have been identical to Eltroxin for at least quite a few years.
This has been stated here many times. Many sceptical people have been wary. But I do not recall any single person who claims to be able reliably to detect any difference. Of course, there can be small differences between supposedly identical products, but no more than the difference between two batches of Eltroxin.
If anyone thinks that is incorrect, I would appreciate their saying so in order that we can try to understand/explain.
Thanks for clarifying this Rod that's probably the best explanation I have had
This link should take you to the Eltroxin unavailability news release by MercuryPharma back in March this year. They don't actually make it clear there that the two levothyroxine products they supply are identical, so if you have any concerns, you could contact them for reassurance.
If it is any help to reassure you,I have happily accepted Mercury Pharma after being on Eltroxin with no ill effects.
Don't forget to get your GP to state Eltroxin Mercury Pharma on your repeat prescription though or else your pharmacist will give you the levothyroxine that you don't want.
Then why are there so many problems with some batches of T3 ???????????
This thread has been about levothyroxine, so far.
Whatever the issues about liothyronine, the MHRA, Mercury (AMCO), many MPs, doctors and others up and down the country have been made aware.
Most certainly, I do not know.
If you have any evidence that Eltroxin is NOT the same as Mercury levothyroxine, please let us know, and let the MHRA know.
Tell the endo that your gp has refused, as he will override the decision. Also report them to the practice manager and the medical council.
Good luck
Ann xx

Perhaps your gp could be persuaded if he saw the research papers on natural desiccated thyroid.
Hi Lynn, I've just joined this forum. I've recently found out I have hashimotos and am trying to find a good/open minded endocrinologist in London. I'm keen to try armour. I noticed on the thread someone else asked for similar list.
Could you kindly help? Many thanks
I am afraid this is a four-year-old thread.
It is very likely that your post/response here will get missed. I suggest that you write your own, new post. Look for the green "Write a post" button - probably near the top right of the page - depending which page you are on and what device you are using to access the site!
To get the so-called "doctor list", email
I had the very same problem a month ago - Endo recommending Armour and GP refusing due to being unlicensed.
I did all I could to convince GP at the time that she could prescribe, given that Levo doesn't work for me and T3 had become unavailable, but she said it was Levo or nothing and I was too poorly at the time to keep pushing it and gave up.
My endo says he cannot prescribe on NHS, only GP can, (I suspect based on who holds budget), but he gave me a private prescription and I reluctantly bought it instead. Three months supply (2 grains/day) for fifty-odd quid. Lloyds pharmacy were over £300 for same thing so definitely don't go that route if you do decide to get private prescription.
Hope you get it sorted, one way or another.
Thats interesting to me as im just trying to obtain T3 now my doc wont prescribe as not available ! I went private cost £200 for consultation only and he told me i need to try this along with my T4 at a reduced amount to start with and trial and error i suppose . So i will have to get the private doc to write prescription then if thats best option .
This is a link re named-patient but I believe they don't have to.
Hey, Im nowhere near Colchester, however, I have been desperate to find an endocrinologist near me who would be happy to tell my GP they can prescribe Armour....would you mind telling me the name of your endo & what hopsital hes based at please????
I used to be prescribed it by my old Gp, I moved surgeries, due to moving to a different area & was unable to stay at my old practise, due to it being a different PCT etc. My new GP wont prescribe it, & has referred me to a different consultant, but she wont precribe it either, as doesnt believe there are any benefits/differences in strength, blah blah! Did he seem quite happy to prescribe it for you?? Because although its quite some distance from me, I will happily ask my GP to refer me there & Will gladly drive all that way for an appt if it will get me what I need! (I was well for seven years on armour, have been dreadful for the last two since being on LevoT & T3)
ask for purified eltroxin more expensive, I am doing better on this. could not take the generic form of thyroxine kind thoughts brenda

I asked for this after the chemist told me it was available, my doctor tried her best not to laugh at me and was told by the endo that they save it for babies/small children.
Hi P
Lyn may have asked me to do it - sorry! My computer died and then the laser printer and Lyn hasn't been well...!!
Drop me an email hon and I'll get it over to you...
cwoodcock the might help. I would get back in touch with your Endo and ask for him to prescribe it per se as your GP is refusing to even discuss it let alone honour his orders. At the same time write to your GP stating that the medication they prescribe are detrimental to your health and well being. Your Endo has explored all this and has found a solution that benefits your condtion and life. As such you find the refusal and subistution to a inferior and harmful medication abhorrant. You wish that the GP follow the orders of your Endo and to defer to their medical expertise on the subject and medicaiton choice.
This is what the British Medical Association states as written in May 2013.
Its the Prescribing in General Practice (Word document.)
The BMA state this as of May 2013.
Non-GP prescribing
When a non-GP prescriber initiates a new drug they accept responsibility for that prescription, but they usually have no method of reissuing repeats and that responsibility invariably falls on GPs. When faced with a request from the patient for a repeat prescription, GPs should review the patient and set up a repeat prescription if appropriate or refer the patient back to initial prescriber.
Good working practice would advise that anything prescribed for long term prescription it is in the patients best interest to maintain such until a time that a review is made and a change of perscription takes place. The responsibility for checking interactions remains with the prescriber who should take a full drug history if they do not have access to the main clinical record. A copy of such can be sent to clarify the situation if needed or requested.
I take Eltroxin Liquid as I am one of the 1 in 5 people in the UK that are allergic to lactose. I can still get Eltroxin although it is on a manufacturer's quota system. Does anyone know when Eltroxin was withdrawn? Refusing to panic!
Eltroxin has not, technically, been withdrawn. And the products being talked about are Eltroxin tablets NOT the liquid products.
We do not know why, but AMCO are unable to supply it at present and have no date for it coming back into availability.
Have you been offered or tried one of the lactose-free levothyroxine products? These are available to special order. Have a look here:
Yep just been refused Armour GP. Dont think its anything to do with them not being able to supply it. The doc only needs to put on the script that it is for thyroid condition, or so I understand. The new clinical commissioning groups are the ones advising docs/endos not to supply it. Their opinion is that because of the pig hormone in Armour and other natural remedies some people can get allergic reactions. I am convinced my reactions are due to taking levo for over 25 yrs and have been diagnosed with essential tremour which is also one of the symptoms on the levo leaflet! This is just my personal opinion of course. It seems patient choice doesnt exist and I just have to put up with the symptoms I experience daily. Hope you manage to get it sorted.