T3 bought in Crete: Just got back from a holiday... - Thyroid UK

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T3 bought in Crete

sheila747 profile image
38 Replies

Just got back from a holiday in Crete where I bought some T3 over the counter. 30 tablets 25 mg. cost 1.20 euro.

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sheila747 profile image
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38 Replies
PinkNinja profile image

That's almost worth the cost of the flight :D

It just goes to show how ridiculously priced T3 is in this country.

marmaris profile image
marmaris in reply to PinkNinja

I will be going to Turkey in a few weeks and I have heard that Cytomel can be bought there. Could you please advise me Carolyn if this is true and what is the actual name. Many thanks.

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to marmaris

I'm sorry but I don't know. Someone else might be able to answer your question though :)

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to marmaris

I've just found out it's called Tiromel :)

sheila747 profile image
sheila747 in reply to PinkNinja

Hi Carolyin I would be interested to know how much T3 does cost in this country. How much does Pharma charge the NHS for it? I wrote to my MP about the shortage and he did look into it but really didn't come up with any different answers than we had come up with ourselves, and it took him far longer!! However, I thought I would write to him again and tell him how easy it was for me to buy T3 in Crete and how much I paid for it so it would be useful for me to know how much it costs the NHS.

Regards, Sheila

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to sheila747

T3 cost the NHS approx £56 for 28 x 20mcg tablets from Mercury Pharma.

Rip off or what.

Moggie x

sheila747 profile image
sheila747 in reply to Moggie

Thank you Moggie. I have just written to my MP to tell him how much T3 cost me in Crete and told him I understand the cost to the NHS by Mercury is £56.00 and asked the question as to why. Will wait and see what he says.

Sheila x

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to sheila747

Good for you.

Moggie x

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to Moggie

p.s. don't forget to point out that your Crete T3 is 25mcg's (I think) and the NHS is only 20mcg's, which makes the price difference even worse.

Moggie x

sheila747 profile image
sheila747 in reply to Moggie

Yes it is 25mcg and I did point it out. Will post any response I get from him

Sheila x

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to Moggie

Thanks Moggie. I work during the day so very pleased you could answer Sheila for me :)

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to PinkNinja

I'm supposed to be working to Carolyn (Ooooops) but the boss is away so the mice are at play.lol.

Moggie x

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to Moggie

Lol! I can't do that. I work in a school :(

Marz profile image

....how many boxes did you buy ? - one lady on this forum had 24 boxes bought for her by her daughter - or was it 26 !! Greeks are more than happy to give a service !!

I live in Crete so have been able to avail myself of this wonderful service - albeit I did discuss with the GP here and she agreed my FT3 was always low.

Freedom of choice is the order of the day here - we also take care of our own medical records - so once we have had a test for whatever - we have the information to consult whoever we choose. All my experiences have been excellent....scans, surgery, blood tests, dentistry and so on.....

Hope your tablets work for you........where did you stay in Crete ?

in reply to Marz

Marz, You might find we all take advantage of your holiday property soon. Sounds perfect! Jane x x

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to

...you would be most welcome.....at anytime. We are not that far from Italy - maybe a two centre break one day ! We would take great care of you.

M xx

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to Marz

Marz can I ask a question - I read on a Greek Islands forum that you can get blood tests done very easily and cheaply and the poster gave the name and address of somewhere to go in the town I visit regularly. But the post was several years old and the poster is no longer there. Do you know if we can just walk in to such a place and ask for whatever tests we want, or would we have to have a request from a doctor for those tests? I'd be grateful for anything you might know about this.

I used to buy hydrocortisone in Greece for just a few €s for 30 days' worth, I'd get a year's supply at a time and the pharmacist knew me by name in the end and laughed at the cost of it here!

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Framboise

...yes you can walk in without a doctors referral as it is a private facility. You just tell them what you need and ask - 'is that your best price ? ' - and you will probably get a discount !! Try to be Greek ! Results will be through in a couple of days on beautifully printed sheets. Well that's what happens in our local Draculas Den !

Even though it is private it is affordable and so professional. Makes you feel good too as you feel in control. As I am a pensioner I am able to go to the GP and she will complete a form so that some of the tests can be done on the National Health.

Be prepared to queue if you go early - observe how many are in front of you and stand your ground when it comes to your turn. Greeks love to push in and hate being told to queue. No English manners required !!

Good luck !

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to Marz

Brilliant, thank you so much! I shall go armed with a list of tests this year. Friends who live there told me how quick it is for them to get ultrasounds done once they've seen their GP, but I'd never thought of asking about blood tests without a referral until I read the Greek forum.

Do you speak Greek? I've been learning for about 6 years because we wanted to move there, but my brain doesn't have the same enthusiasm for the language that the rest of me does ;) It seems just as I master one bit of weird grammar, another bit comes along to add to the confusion....

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Framboise

...oh so true ! We live in a village where the locals do NOT understand my Athenian Greek - as taught to me in the early days. About a year after I moved here I was doing 3 x 2 hourly lessons and just as much homework. Those were the days when I wasn't being treated adequately and was awake at 5am which proved to be a good homework time !! Brain just about working. Did that for about six months and then became poorly trying to get treatment correct...and brain was into overload !!

When it was time to move on to the Future Continuous from the Present tense I realised it was almost another language to learn. Completely different words. I see - vlepau - I will see tha thau...and so on !!

I know enough not to starve or go thirsty. All the professionals we have to deal with - lawyers, doctors and accountants usually speak good English. Greeks also want to practice their English - the language of the www !

By the way I can have scans without a referral - he is also in the next village.

Don't worry about learning Greek to be fluent - think of it as a brain exercise - and then it will happen. Less pressure !

PinkBear profile image
PinkBear in reply to Marz

Marz, do you happen to know if its the same in Turkey? We're going in August i need to get my daughter tested properly for antibodies & t3 she's so fed up with our Drs & the NHS here they will only test tsh & t4 despite me being hashi her last tsh was 4.3 (0.25-5.0) and t4 right at the bottom of the range but she's told to forget thyroid & come back in a year despite all the usual symptoms! :-( x

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to PinkBear

...I do believe it is - but can't be sure ! Am sure their medical standards are as good as Crete. Try doing a search on the net for Private Blood testing in Turkey - and see what happens.

Do hope you find some solutions for your daughter. My daughter was tested and scanned here but her UK GP was not interested and refused to look at her scan - which revealed a large node. His own tests were of course normal ?? FNA done privately at a later date revealed cancer. Am just gently warning you that the GP's in the UK don't like it when tests are done elsewhere....ummmm !

PinkBear profile image
PinkBear in reply to Marz

Thanks Marz! That's awful I do hope your daughter is doing ok now! Xx

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to PinkBear

...she is coping well but has had two lots of surgery on her fibula for Chondroid Tumours - which of course the medics say is nothing to do with her thyroid cancer.......ummmm !

PinkBear profile image
PinkBear in reply to Marz

We know better! Try not to be so anti Dr but they don't make it easy do they! X

pingaling profile image
pingaling in reply to Marz

Marz I really fancy a break in Greece and your place sounds like heaven!!!!

Would it be possible to have an email address to discuss as this site doesn't seem best place. Thanks

sheila747 profile image
sheila747 in reply to Marz

Hi Marz Treatment in Crete sounds great from what you say. I bought the T3 as a backup in case the same problem arises here again. I did manage to get some before I went away through Boots who were very helpful.

I envy you living in Crete, we absolutely loved it. We stayed at Pleiades Villas which are in between Ag Nik and Elounda. We hired a car so were able to see quite a lot of the island and it is very beautiful. We intend to come back and stay on the west side around Chania to see that side of the island. Keep well

Sheila x

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to sheila747

...glad you had a good time. Know the area where you were staying - very nice. We live in the west of the island between Rethymnon and Chania. Quite different from the East of the island - more green and lush !


editfmrt profile image

Marz - do they have any decent dentists in your area too? It sounds like heaven out there.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to editfmrt

....depends on your idea of heaven - ! ...but it certainly suits me. A bit like the West Country was in the 50's - and very shabby chic !! I just love the amazing things that going on behind crumbling facades.

Dentists here are very high tech and well trained. We have an excellent young man in the village - Giorgos. I also go into Chania to Top Man who is just lovely and so gentle - Bob Manousakis. He grew up in Africa and I think he trained in the States. The Hygenist is also a Dentist and spends an hour doing the most thorough clean and giving me such TLC. Not that my teeth are a problem - that's just how they do things. All for 50 euro. In fact I'm off on Tuesday with a trip to M&S afterwards for a treat maybe ! Are you able to give M&S in the UK your Account Number from your Mobile if you have forgotten your card ?....I expect you probably can nowadays. Having left almost 10 years ago I am slightly out of touch !

Sandybeach1964 profile image

Do you think I may be able to buy T3 in Spain?

Grooviemama profile image

Did you just ask for T3 ( or liothyorine or whatevers its called) or does it have a brand name in Crete? I have a friend with a house on the island so I'm thinking I could ask her to get me some when she next goes but I'll need to give her the right info.

sheila747 profile image
sheila747 in reply to Grooviemama

Hi Grooviemama - At first I asked for Liothyronine and she didn't understand but I think it was just the English accent but when I said T3 she understood immediately. She had one box in stock and asked if I wanted any more. I said I would and how many she could get me and she asked how many I would like. I ordered another 10 boxes and they were available the following working day. She knew all about the problems we were having in England and said it was due to the fact that there is only one supplier in England and they have the monopoly so I presume there is more than one supplier in Crete. The box I have only says T3 in large letters and liothyronine sodium in smaller print, made by Uni-Pharma, uni-parma.gr. I think if your friend just asks for T3 they will know what she means. Hope you manage to get some. x

Grooviemama profile image
Grooviemama in reply to sheila747

Thank you so much for all this info, I shall write it all down for her and hopefully get some when she next goes fingers crossed.

sheila747 profile image
sheila747 in reply to Grooviemama

Hi - My pleasure Grooviemama, best of luck xx

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Grooviemama

...you just ask for T3. They only have one in stock as they have orders delivered daily and the government haven't been paying for NHS prescriptions. Cash flow is therefore tight.

howlyn profile image

Please where can i get T3 from in this country with a private prescription. Thank you.

sheila747 profile image

When I wanted T3 several years ago Thyroid UK gave me the names of doctors who would do this privately and the one I saw was called Dr Sarah. Unfortunately I don't still have her details. She did all the necessary blood tests and then prescribed T3 for me and once I had taken it and it did make a huge difference to my life, my own GP was willing to prescribe it for me. Dr Sarah used to be in Maidenhead and then she moved to Cornwall. She is a GP with a special interest in the thyroid so maybe Thyroid UK still have her details. Good luck. xx

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