Why the yipppeee you ask? - well I have just got confirmation that I have a cyst on my thyroid, previous to this I thought my thyroid had gone underactive.and having been told by the Dr that theres nothing wrong..I insisted on seeing a ENT specialist. Now I don't live in the UK and I know people moan about the NHS...but I can honesly say I miss it!! 60euro a pop to see the Dr etc etc but thats another story for another day!!
My Symptoms includes going from insomia to sleepng anything from 8 to 16hrs. General tiedness, no energy, And dont get me started on the pains...It started in my knees, next day, ankles, next day shoulder. It feels like growning pains used too and for me that was a VERY long time ago. for the younger members if I said it feels like somebody has a drill and is drilling into the bone.... My throat feels sore and like theres a lump in it and my voice has gone all girly (this is coming from a tomboy..yes even at my age!!). I'm worried I will get into pink nail varnish next!!!
All my bloods have come back all normal. I'm going to see the Specialist next Tuesday re the cyst and I will keep you informed as to what is happening.