OGTT fasting 4.8 mmol/1 2 hrs post prandial 5 mmol/1 Hb A1c mm0l/m0l normal kidney function free t4 14.2 (10.-25) tsh 1.(0.27-4.2) basal cortisol 274 nmol/1 30mins 900nm o/1 this is a letter from hospital discharging me as I am well, if only would appreciate any comments from you great thyroid members regards brenda
almost given up that's why I have not posted fo... - Thyroid UK
almost given up that's why I have not posted for awhile, have logged in regular to read the posts can you help with these latest results.
Hi Brenda,
Your OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test) is normal - no sign of diabetes.
Your adrenal function test (presumably a short Synacthen test) is normal - no sign of adrenal insufficiency.
Your thyroid results are within normal limits. Are you on thyroid medication?
yes I am.75mcg purified eltroxin . so unwell not sure how much longer I can cope.i have been likethis for 18 months , but as you see all my tests are normal. I have just asked gp for a referral to doctor S. I await response. thanks for your reply regards brenda
Hi Brenda,
Just to clarify, is your TSH 1.0? You wrote 1. so I wondered whether you missed a number out.
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so unwell. What symptoms do you have at the moment Brenda?
Also, have you had any other types of thyroid tests eg. thyroid antibodies or T3?
I have had t3 privately all ok yes tsh is 1 my symptoms are endless apart from extreme tiredness I am lightheaded, headaches, joint pain mainly hips and knees. blurred vision,stomach cramps , sometimes constipated or opposite, sore tongue and genitals thank you so much for your response. not had thyroid antibodies test, will check if blue horizon do this kind thoughts brenda
Your T4 is in range, but just being 'in range' is far from being optimal. It isn't even mid-range and could be a lot higher. I'd be interested so see your FT3 because 'ok' is not a medical diagnosis! And your TSH could be lower. So maybe an increase in eltroxin is called for.
Hugs, Grey
hi grey just got up my t3 is 4.3 pmol/l 3.1-6.when I try to take 75mcg I get worse have been taking 50mcg leading up to 75mcg. as soon as I get up to 75mcg i become more ill. I can do this as I take liquid eltroxin(only in last 2 1/2 weeks) thanks for your comments regards brenda

Well, your T3 is also much too low. Once again it's not even mid-range. Most people find they need it to be up the top of the range to feel well, so you can't really expect to feel well on the little that you have.
How about that cortisol test? What sort of test was it? Blood? Does it have any ranges? What time was it taken? Because the fact that you're having difficulty increasing says to me that your adrenals are fatigued.
hi grey a bit muddled today I had a synacthen test is that cortisol? not sure at present.it was a half hour test ,fasting. have put a letter into gp today requesting a referral to dr s. I am not sure if I have given you the info you asked for. thanks again ofr responding to me regards brenda

Hi Percy, I'm afraid I don't know anything about synacthen tests except that they only detect the extremes (Addison's and Cushing's) but don't pick up on the shades of grey in between. For that it's best to have a saliva test.
I do hope you get your referral to Dr S, I'm sure he'll be able to help you.
Hugs, Grey

Would your GP add some T3 to your levothyroxine. Most do not prescribe other than levo. Maybe ask for a referral to an Endo. If you email louise.warvill@thyroiduk.org she has a list of NHS Endos/private doctors. You may be sensitive to a synthetic hormone.
hi shaws don't think gp would as hospital discharged me 2 wks ago telling me I am well, despite me saying I am not. as stated above I have put a letter into gp today requesting a referral to dr s. thankyou for your help regards brenda

That's the BIG problem - diagnosing how well we are by just taking the TSH into consideration and not our clinical symptoms.
I hope you have success with a sympathetic doctor.