Having waited for my letter from my private endo, I asked to send through my letter from my gp who made the refferal. low and behold, it was a two page analasis, thats right gp went into detail about all the test and invetigations I have had, basically noting the the neuro test was normal and I have unresolved depression lol, ( neuro did basic test) private nhs endo, notes multiple symptoms,( bear in mind he was cross I seeked consultation else where) Im in shock actually, I only asked for a privated referal, what I did notice though the gp failed to note my abnormal results and diagnoses from specialist, it was even noted that I asked for investigations ( that was a Lie)
Im not suprised, if specialist see these kind of letters makes me sound like a right nutter, slighty pssst about this. Gp didnt even make reference to another private endo I went to see and his conclusion Autoimmuns thyroid. mmm wonder why this wasnt mentioned.
ok rant over, the good news yes still fuming however thank god the private endo, did not take on board what the docs written, instead my symptoms were taken into consideration and my blood test which is showing hypothyroid, but need to correct some deficiences first and a trial of t3. Anybody wanting a referral private, please ask for a copy, infact ask for all your test results. I can not believe what I have been reading, every time I go and see a consultant they mention depression, mmm I wonder why??
Ow well another battle to get this crap removed of my medical file, does it matter how many scans and test you have, surely they should keep looking till a cause is found. bloody stinks.
sorry, very sad but happy at the same time.