Change...: I'm a tense ball of nerves... - Thyroid UK

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greygoose profile image
15 Replies

I'm a tense ball of nerves; desperately clinging onto myself to stop myself falling apart and the little bits of me flying off into the stratasphere never again to be seen...

What has brought this on? Well, it could have something to do with the plumber in the kitchen...

That old sink unit just had to go, it really did. I'd put up with it for as long as I could and I just couldn't stand it anymore. But, oh, I do hate change. I hate up-heaval. I hate men working in the house.

I can hear him out there, banging about, drilling and banging. Then suddenly it goes quiet. And that's even worse! Then 'lady, can you come here a minute, the unit doesn't fit'! Oh, I just knew it wouldn't work!

I've left him to sort it out. It's his job, after all. But I could scream! How long is this going to last? I think I'm going to fall apart.

And I really do hate change...

Is it a hypo thing, do you think? I think it has to be. Anyone feel the same?

(The goose says 'Not all Canadians are nice'. And I'm not even Canadian! lol)

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greygoose profile image
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15 Replies
rosetrees profile image

If you're anything like me, it's the noise I hate. Drilling, banging, loud noises, do my head in.

Be kind to yourself. Make 2 nice cuppas, give one to the plumber and then chill with your feet up. I've taken to using guided meditations. Hop on youtube and you'll find lots of 20 minute ones you can sitting or lying down. I find they help me sleep.

PS - I have a theory that plumbers always take 2 sugars in their tea. Ask him how many he takes.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to rosetrees

Can't make tea - no water! Besides, he's Algerian and I haven't got any mint! lol He'd probably settle for a cup of coffee, having lived in France for many years, but same problem applies...

And I definately couldn't meditate in the midst of all this! Although it's not the noise in itself that gets me. It's the fact that the noise is in my house!

foreversummer profile image

Hi Grey.

I can identify with you on this! I hate having people in. It makes me nervous and edgy. I can never relax until they've left, job done.

I've no idea if it's a hypo thing, but I sure do need my personal space and I don't like people coming into that space. It's dreadful, but even friends have to have their time slot - I just cannot cope with people turning up. Isn't that awful? I can't be spontaneous, I need to plan and I don't like change. Change throws me off balance. I never used to be like that.

Hope he's a quick worker for your sake!


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to foreversummer

I am exactly the same! Don't like people dropping in, no spontaneity. It must be a hypo thing.

Well, no, he's not a quick worker. Hrm, Hrm... I was actually giving him a second chance because when he installed my water heater... Well, let's just say it was a nightmare! He has been here since 8.30 and no way is the job finished. And he's just told me that there will be no water in the kitchen tonight! Half an hour ago he said he'd done all he could for the day, but he's still here!!!!!! Aaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhh!!!!!!

Right, let's stop there! If I go on to say what a mess the kitchen is, I will probably explode! There ought to be special plumbers for hypos, don't you think? That work quickly, don't make a mess and DON'T TALK! lol

Hugs, Grey

nightingale-56 profile image
nightingale-56 in reply to greygoose

You'd love my plumber then Grey - quite, quick and pleasant. Puts right all that my husband breaks - very heavy-handed with taps and turns them off too tight. Have got a lovely carpenter too, who also does decorating. Know what you mean about noise and spontaneity though. Hope he gets it right soon, Janet xx.

Marz profile image

....always thought resistance to change was an old age thing - but now that we know that most people suffer with some degree of thyroid issues in their advancing years - then it could well be a hypo thing !!

Do hope it all can soon be sorted for you and that peace is restored......

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Marz

Thank you, Marz.

Personally, I have never liked change. Even as a young home-builder I could never understand friends that were always moving the furniture around. Once I'd put my sofa or my easy chair in one place, there it stayed! lol

Hugs, Grey

sandi profile image

So, so understand this. I'm a wreck if I have any workmen (ok, or anyone really!) in the house - which is the reason I delay getting jobs done. For me I don't think it is so much the change but more the worry of what might go wrong, what more I might have to deal with and what clearing up I might need to do - all of which I know i simply don't have the energy and resources to cope with!

I'm in much the same state as you at the moment but because of stuff outside the house. They are (apparently randomly) pulling up pavements and resurfacing the streets around my house - including removing some lovely trees!! The noise is awful and my little car seems to be in the midst of it wherever I park as they work on different areas each day without any prior warning. I can park it safely then an hour later find it surrounded by lorries diggers and workmen. Consequence is I can concentrate on nothing as long as I can hear work going on. I rarely do drive these days but I love my car and am so scared of what might happen to it. I feel like both hiding under the duvet and keeping a constant watch. Why oh why does this all upset me so much?

I do find that many things nowadays get under my skin. I'm less able to just go with the flow or forget when I've been hurt or treated badly or things have gone wrong. I think the lack of energy is a major part as I said. It's so hard when even getting the basics done is difficult - adding anything extra into the mix is just beyond me.

Hope you like the new sink unit and it makes day to day life a little better once this horror period is over!

Sandi x

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to sandi

Oh, the new sink is lovely!!! Before I had a sort of stone sink and I was breaking all my lovely china with my shaking hands. Now I've got a stainless steel one - which I won't have to scrub every time I pour tea down the sink! And the cupboard underneath is white whereas before it was dark brown wood. The white and the stainless steel reflex the light and the whole kitchen is more luminous and even seems bigger. I just wish I'd had it done a long time ago. lol

The plumber has gone now, but he was here for one and a half days (also put a new tap in the bath) and it has seemed like a week to me! I've been frantically tidying my desk to take my mind off it, but it didn't help. And, yes, I felt like you, torn between hiding under the duvet and keeping constant watch to make sure things didn't go wrong. I chose the middle ground and tidied my desk for two days!

I do think it's a hypo thing - or maybe something to do with the adrenals. Certainly i've read that continually going over and over things that have gone wrong with your life going back to god-knows-when, and fretting and mulling over every little slight and snub is a hypo symptom. As is, I believe, is the silent internal monologue that goes on and on inside your head and stops you from sleeping at night. Hormones are such important things and I don't think we know the half of it yet!

Hope the work in your street ends soon and your little car is alright, Grey x

in reply to greygoose

Normal service has now resumed then! These things just become a pita despite any excitement of an improvement. Another job crossed off the list then on to the next.

Your second-to-last paragraph is interesting and very familiar Grey. I've currently got 'poor-me' syndrome so trying to give myself a kick and failing miserably. Fighting the world and it's never-ending.

No sun today so that doesn't help.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to

Do you know, I've never found the weather has any effect on my mood. I can be just as happy on a rainy day as on a sunny one and vis versa.

I don't don't think that giving yourself is kick is the right thing to do. You should be kind to yourself. You've got enough problems without doing yourself physical harm! lol Or even being strict with yourself. Do something that makes you happy, like washing your hair squeaky clean - because you deserve it. Seriously, be nice to you because you're lovely.

Well, I wouldn't exactly say normal service is resumed. I'm giving myself the rest of the day off - and am just about to pop into a nice hot bath - to get over the strain of being stressed for 36 hours. But it is just one job on a very long list. Said plumber wanted to come back on Monday but I said oh no! Leave it til Thursday, I need some me time! lol (And a chance to make the place habitable again.) And the next round promises to be even worse with pipes to box in and walls to sand and paint. You should have seen this kitchen when I bought the place - it was a kitchen for Hobbits. Literally. But I'm gradually making it fit for human beings.

Take car, Grey

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to greygoose

For when it does get stained, Tea and Coffee stain remover (made for flasks etc) is great for stainless steel sinks as a general cleaner. Astonish do a fairly cheap one, but there are several brands.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Thank you. Does it remove turmeric stains? That's what did my last stainless steel unit (but if it's 'stainless' it shouldn't stain, surely...). I had yellow sinks until I moved out! lol

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to greygoose

Not sure. I use loads of turmeric and I don't have yellow sinks, so it might.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Ah, but maybe you don't accidentally up-end a pot all over a wet sink unit like I did! lol Had it been dry, I think it would have been alright, but the fact that it was wet...

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