How soon after eating 'forbidden' foods such as wheat etc would you expect to have an adverse effect or does it vary.? I am trying to assess the effects of possible 'bad' foods on me. Has symprove helped many people I know some people complain of bloating? Have seen the other info from members about this and wonder if anyone else has found symprove beneficial and after how long.
How long after eating ' bad' foods does this h... - IBS Network
How long after eating ' bad' foods does this have an effect and has anyone found symprove beneficial. Have seen previous comments re this.

I find that after eating 'off-list' foods the effects vary according to exactly what it is I've eaten (specific sensitivity must have a lot to do with this) and how much. It can take as short a time as a couple of hours for me or I may not reap the results until the next day.
I tried Symprove for about 4 months - taking it every other day as it's so expensive - but as it gave me indigestion and made no noticeable, favourable difference I gave up on it in the end. I know a lot of people do find it beneficial, so I guess like everything to do with IBS, it's down to the individual.
I tried Symprove, but it only lasted a week, and at £20+ a time, very expensive! It made not the slightest bit if difference to me, but them mine is hormone related, so maybe it is better for those whose IBS is diet affected. I have actually just started taken Esomeprazole again, and do feel slightly better, dunno, think relaxation is actually the key, constantly thinking about our woes just seems to make the brain focus on that weak area and create more anxiety!
I also tried Symprove for 3 weeks, no improvement unfortunately.
I tried it again a few weeks later and then noticed it was out of date,
so all in all a complete waste of money.
Dear Anne-gussy
I was on Symprove for around 6 months in total. I took it every day for around 3 months and then every other day for the remaining 3 months. It certainly improved my symptoms. I was reluctant to come off it but I can appreciate it is very expensive. It does say "on the bottle" that it should regulate the system in 3 months. I am still off Symprove but would have no hesitation on going back on it if my symptoms return.
Dear Anne-gussy
I meant to add that you are meant to take Symprove for at least a month to reap the benefits!!!
Hi all
Well where to start...Symprove I am currently taking this. This is my 60th day of taking everyday. The recommendation is to take for 90 days. My symptons almost vanished after 30days and I felt almost normal! Then my symptons came back with a vengence which I am still coping with. I am still taking the symprove and will go to the 90 days...ever hoperful!
I also notice the 'Best before' date comes around to quickly e.g the lot purchased on 6th March expires 14th April...I hope to query this with Symprove.
I think Anxiety which creeps up on me when the pain gets worse is ibs enemy and makes it worse. I had some training given me by Adult Education Services called 'italk' which teaches methods of dealing with pain. Its a talking type therapy which worked for me. Anxiety is still a problem and scary but I now have some tools to help get through those times.
Hope this helps inform some one
Remember 'This Day to Will Pass'.