Ive just been told i have ibs could any1 pls tell me if there is stuff i should avoid
Eating/drinkin with ibs: Ive just been told i... - IBS Network
Eating/drinkin with ibs

I avoid cows milk, or have lactos free, and I think it helps. Its all trial and error. Its worth a try. Good luck.
Thank u v much most apreciated, the doctor at the hosptial wasnt very helpful x
Thank u v much x
It depends on your symptoms as different foods affect people in different ways. It's down to trial and error a lot of the time but there are different basic dietary plans depending on whether you suffer with diarrhoea or constipation, bloating or no bloating. It's annoying to hear that your doctor isn't helpful as it seems to be a common problem!
I found Dr. Could give me help through a dietition. I started with a food diary for a month. And a symptom diary. It helped so much to pinpoint what foods were a problem when put side by side with my eating habits.
Thanks ill give that a try though ive naw got much of an apetite lately x
Thanks ill give that a try though ive naw got much of an apetite lately x
Thanks ill give that a try though ive naw got much of an apetite lately x
Thanks ill give that a try though ive naw got much of an apetite lately x
Thanks ill give that a try though ive naw got much of an apetite lately x
Thanks ill give that a try though ive naw got much of an apetite lately x
Google FODMAPS, diet that leaves out things you may be malabsorbing. It has worked for me, and does for about 70% of IBS sufferers! Maybe worth looking into? Good luck, and hope Christmas food doesn't make it worse.
I have been diagnosed about 2 months ago, but suffering for about a year now. definitely look into FODMAPS it has helped me a lot but the internet does provide conflicting information so could be good to see a dietitian or nutritionist to help you monitor it.
Ibs is often mis diagnosed by doctor.
Celiac disease is often the problem,which is the intolerance of Gluten in your diet.
Gluten is found in wheat flour,rye,barley,and appears in a lot of processed foods i.e. TV dinners and takeaways.