I am off to Spain next Monday which is the first holiday since I have been diagnosed with IBS-D. I wondered if anyone had some tips they could give me?? I am a bit nervous but going for it because I cannot let this take over my life!!
Travelling with IBS: I am off to Spain next... - IBS Network
Travelling with IBS

Get a Can't wait Card from bladderandbowelfoundati... If you go to this site you can get a Cant Wait card for a £5 pound donation..I hope this helps! I am waiting for mine as it can take upto 10 working days to receive! Also when you are at the boarding lounge tell the Air Hostess at the desk and they should let you on first! and they may let you use there loo instead of queuing up to use the the holiday makers one! Also you can get Imodium Loperamide too take they are quite good x
Dear Janjanjan
I am waiting for a Cant Wait card as joined the IBS Network and they said they would send me one and would be about 10 days!! Thanks for your advice. Will definitely take Imodium for the journey and times when we go out and feel vulnerable!! x
I understand how you feel. I am 61 and i have had it since i was 19....But i was only put on Imodium when i was 45...I still get get it but not as bad also i know when not to go out as i get cramps and a fuzzy burning bloated feeling. I can't pinpoint why i have it. Maybe you could write down what you eat and drink maybe that would help you. Hope this helps Janet x
Oh by the way I am glad you were able to get your Can't wait Card x
Hi Janet
Thanks for the advice.
Dont know if you have tried Symprove - probiotic drink. I have been on it for a month now and dont know if it is my imagination but there maybe an improvement!! Dont want to say too much in case of wishful thinking. Not cheap though - £20 per bottle - online or Tesco Nutricentres stock it. Definitely worth a try though. Lots of good reviews online.
Debbie x
Just make sure the day u travel,do not have anything to eat as this will trigger it off,and try and go to the toilet before travelling u should be ok
If you are going to eat anything I would try simple foods like white rice, white bread,nothing with too much fibre in it. Have you checked out Heather Van Vorous website? See below
Her thoughts on how to eat are very helpful.
Good luck and enjoy your holiday.
Take a pack of tissues, spare pants, Wear clothes that are comfortable and easy to get down like jogging bottoms. If possible book your seat in advance and specify that youd like an isle seat or front row seat so you can get out of it quickly. Try not to eat food that will trigger you, Have your meds in your hand luggage.
Eat light foods the day before you go and up to the few hours before you travel. I always take 2 imodium a couple of hours before i am due to travel. Take acidophilius capsules (get them in health shop) with you on holiday as this can help with foreign food that you are not used too. Alsoget the Can't wait card which can be used in an emergency and sit in an aisle seat. If possible try and pre book a seat at front or aisle seat near toilet. Enjoy your holiday
where do u get cant wait card
Get a Can't wait Card from bladderandbowelfoundati... If you go to this site you can get a Cant Wait card for a £5 pound donation..I hope this helps!
I'd heard about these cards, but never knew where to get one. Thank you!
not always my favourite time of year but the best tip i can give is dont over indulge the day before your flight food wise eat a plain diet of soup ,or toast it seems to work as you dont need the loo as much the following day,also dont drink and eat to excess in the airport and hopefully you will have a fantastic time .;....
Ginger root capsules and fennel tea (with clear honey) you may need a letter from the doctor to take these into the country. I am hoping to go away after Christmas for the first time since diagnosis and I am worried about this stuff too.