Is anyone like me, and can't seem to eat fruit and vegetables, or anything with fibre without repercussions? Would love to eat healthily, but just can't seem to. If I don't eat anything at all healthy I don't get symptoms the next day, but if I have say one piece of broccoli, or some lettuce that's it the next day is a right off! It just seems so crazy
Healthy Eating and IBS D: Is anyone like me, and... - IBS Network
Healthy Eating and IBS D

Yes I am afraid I am in that category. My problem is opposite to yours. Too much fibre, veg and fruits block me and I bloat terribly. I couldn’t do WW nor slimming world because of it. I went to see a dietician who told me to try the FODMAD diet for 6 weeks and to start reintroducing slowly. I am ok now. Best of luck.
Hi. I fully understand. I'm going through a terrible time at moment, bad diarrhoea far too often. And I too have more trouble if I eat veg. I ate rubbish at Xmas and had normal functioning! Just don't get it. Am now awaiting my third colonoscopy in couple weeks time but not holding out much hope for a definitive answer 😪. It's really affecting my social life, as I'm terrified of going anywhere. I wish you well.
Have you seen your GP? Have you been diagnosed with IBS? What advice and medication have you been given? Have you had any tests?

Hi I have just had blood tests, low in vitamin d. Yes been diagnosed with IBS, and given imodium, buscopan etc, this works up to a point, but dont really want to take every day, seems mad. Got a gastro appointment soon, but what tests they will do I don't know. I went to a private gastro and he gave me fibre, well that did not end well.
You are where I was 40 years ago! I couldn’t eat cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, mature cheddar cheese, greasy or sloppy foods and so on. Not much help from my GP then, just told to watch what I eat.
I started to keep a food diary and record any reactions. It took me a long time, but eventally I built up a list of foods that I still NEVER eat and some that I can eat in moderation. Some foods would give me violent IBSD, others stomach ache and wind but fortunately I have rarely suffered with IBSC.
From experience, I also now know not to eat too fast, not to eat very large meals, not to drink too much with food, not to wear tight clothes around the middle, not to slouch when eating, but to sit up at a table.
This may all sound a bit of a nuisance, but it all becomes automatic.
These days I rarely get a bout of IBSD, but in the past it was dreadful.
I still keep meberverine but I rarely take any, preferring colpermin, as that seems to relieve bloating better.
I did try FODMAP, but it didn't seem to really work for me.
I was more succesful with my own system, and these days, IBS does not cause me much concern because I manage it. I know if I even eat a couple of flowers of cauliflower, I will react within minutes, so why eat it?
There is no cure for IBS but I am certain it can be successfully managed. It does take personal discipline at all times though!

That sounds very familiar, I can seem to eat carrots mushrooms butternut squash, no fruit and am worried about vitamins and minerals ...I can't take supplement as that seems to upset me too. Just so hard to navigate.
Yes root veg OK, but not greens.
Apples and pears OK, but wary of grapefruit, grapes and oranges.
Porridge OK but not with jumbo oats.
Farmhouse strong cheddar bad, but OK with mild cheddar.
Rocket, spinach, baby leaf OK, but garden lettuce or Kos, no!
Lasagne wary, musaka no thanks!
So, it goes on!!

It's not just me then although I am scared to touch fruit, and porridge no good, I wonder why it is all very random.
No, there are thousands of us!
Don’t be afraid try try stuff, you may find some fruits are OK.
Experiment, gradually change your diet, build up your knowledge!
Try alternatives. Porridge no, but weetabix yes, maybe!
Takes time and patience, but worth the journey!
Best of luck.

Thank you for your advice much appreciated