Does anyone have a horrible feeling of rectal pressure and sensitivity, despite investigations showing normal? As an IBS sufferer for 20 years I have had this problem intermittently - the last few months have been awful. It comes on at the first sign of wind (usually evening) and builds up until I go to the loo the following morning. Any tips on how to deal with this would be brilliant.
Bottom problems...: Does anyone have a horrible... - IBS Network
Bottom problems...

Dear Binks
I used to get rectal pressure every day which is very debilitating. I started taking Symprove about 3 months ago and the feeling has gone away!! My IBS-D has got a lot better. Dont know if it is the Symprove (live probiotic drink)??? They say to stay on it for 3 months to get full benefits!! Google Symprove - not cheap!!! Lots of good reviews from Kings College Hospital and Daily Mail!!
Hi Krazydeb
I have been using Symprove daily for the past 4 months - it has revolutionised my life in terms of IBS pain which put me in A&E last year. I would recommend it to anyone - pre/probiotics have been fairly useless until Symprove!! Dr John Hunter's book "Irritable Bowel Solutions" has a chapter on bacterial theories in IBS - the book is excellent and makes a lot of sense. I sometimes take lactuose as my GP prescribes it for me - this definately makes the rectal problem much worse but I haven't found it has improved since starting the Symprove. I think panicking about it focusses my attention on the horrible feeling and then it's a viscious circle. Thanks for answering!!
Dear Binks
I am glad that Symprove has helped!! Do you think we have to take this for the rest of our lives? I was reading that after 3 months you can gradually reduce it as the balance of the gut has returned to a normal state??? Not sure about that one though???? I used to get the rectal pressure every day as I said and found this very debilitating and unfortable! I have had colonoscopy and endoscopy and blood tests to no avail!! I have now been referred to St Marks at Northwick Park Hospital in Kenton Middlesex as they have a specialist bowel unit there!
John Hunter's book explained a lot re gut flora and how this colonises after birth. It also explains why IBS sufferes have to take probiotics daily because the immune system sees some beneficial bacteria as a problem. He talks about over use of antibiotics and this makes lots of sense to me as someone who had a crazy GP 20 years ago - put me on 13 diferent courses of ab's in one year for an IBS related problem which did not need ab's. I was a lot more naive in those days!! So it does seem as though it's a daily dose that counts - a nuisance as Symprove is so expensive. I have cut the amount I take from about 50 to 40 a day after all this time - and it hasn't regressed!! I think the rectal pressure thing is quite common to be honest, it's just embarrassing to talk about and it's not mentioned as a general IBS symptom on all the blurb.