Hello this is my 1st post. I have had stomach problems for 16 plus months now. I suppose it all started with a virus and a cough that went on for 6 wks or so. I probably took too many codine tablets as they helped me sleep and stopped me coughing too much at night. After that started to subside I noticed that when I ate I could literally feel the food drop into my stomach. On the bottom right hand side. No pain at that time. Then I just got weird colicky feelings there and I could still feel my food ' drop ' into this area about 5 seconds after swallowing. Weird! Almost cartoon like ! Anyway I contacted my GP who said it sounded like I had an inflammed stomach and prescribed Omeprozole. ( this was done over phone ) . On taking, my symptoms disappeared . BUT I started to feel very very nauseous and could barely eat and felt very full after just small portions of food. I thought it could be the Omeprozole, so stopped and then restarted it , which probably didn't help. My doctor referred me to a gastro consultant and he said my symptoms were A-typical and gave me a CTscan and blood & poo & allergy tests etc & physical examination but had no answer. I forgot to mention by this time I was also getting a burning sensation in that part of my belly too. ( seemed linked to gassyness and burping ) Not just on eating and drinking hot drinks, but on & off throughout the day ( barely at all thankfully at bedtime ). The consultant said to stop the Omeprozole as that was probably only working on a psychosomatic basis??? So I did . Even though it did take the burning feeling away completely. Now I am still getting burning sensations almost every day and on & off and when I eat and drink. Every mouthful stings !!I feel I have tried everything and it's driving me mad and feel I can't enjoy life .
Though on some very rare days I don't have it barely at all and eating and drinking I barely notice it. When I went on a short holiday recently, it more or less disappeared!! But at the airport on the way home , it was back with a vengeance!!
It's not in my head ! Or is it ?!?!
I've tried all sorts ! Changes of diet !! Not eating certain foods etc. Certain vitamins or powders or probiotics etc etc etc .
In fact I've just ordered another wonder probiotic and live in hope.
After that I might try the Omeprozole one more time, as I do feel I definitely have some sort of inflammation. Then back to the doctors for another referral........
Unless someone somewhere can throw some light on my condition . I'd be ever so grateful 🙏 .
This is the 1st time I've ever posted on any site of any kind ....but I'm so desperate as I'm now beginning to feel so depressed and making my husband's life a misery too. Thanks so much for reading !!