I used to be Ibs c but I now think I am more mixed. Can those with Ibs m give me some advice or examples of what they feel like? I go days being constipated then end up having diarrhea back to back and feeling pretty lousy for 2 days after.
Ibs m : I used to be Ibs c but I now think I am... - IBS Network
Ibs m

sorry to hear that you are suffering in this way.
I was C for many years, then suddenly D about 20 years ago, then for the last few years I have been mixed. Mine happens within the same BM, starting with C, possibly caused by diverticulosis, and then ending with D. It takes me a very long time in the bathroom in the morning.
I guess we are all different. It’s difficult to manage and to cope with . Perhaps it might be worth going to the doctors for some investigations as your bowel habits have changed?
Thank you so much for the reply! I’m sorry to hear that. GI issues are the worst. Yes I was taking Miralax daily for about 10 years then started to cut doses in half because I was going too often. I have also been under tremendous stress and have noticed that my gi is directly affected. Stress really started from 2020– now. I guess I was stressed before when I first became a mom in 2017 , then had my second child in 2019, but I do really think it all started with Covid time. Last year I started going to a chiropractor and stopped taking Miralax fully but I have noticed that I’ll go a couple to a few days without going. Then I’ll go and it’ll be hard small rock like. Then same day it’ll turn into diarrhea. I really really hate going to the dr because that’s all I did for years and years before I was diagnosed with median arcuate ligament syndrome in 2009. I just had my abdominal velocities rechecked because I was worried it came back but they were good thank god. It was the first recheck I did since 2009. I probably need to have a colonoscopy but I’m scared. 😟
Thank you for your reply. Stress does seem to make a huge difference. Although I am sure that my IBS is caused by PTSD, current stresses also make their mark.
I would think that having two young children is very tiring and stressful at times. I had not heard of MALS, but having just looked it up, this must also be stressful.
Colonoscopy - I have had a few and it’s understandable that you would be scared. But perhaps you should and it could give you some peace of mind.
I would guess that you don’t get much time for yourself I find that walking and swimming can help. Maybe if you have a sympathetic partner you could get some time out.
Thanks for the reply. I also added a third child to the mix in 2021. They are a huge blessing but I am so so stressed 24/7. Sorry to hear about your ptsd. Yes mals was such a frustrating diagnosis because it was a newer concept and everyone kept telling me it was all in my head. I did so many gi tests and they all came back normal because it’s technically a vascular disease that presents with gi symptoms. Yea I felt pretty nauseous during the other two colonoscopies I had so I am scared for that again. I wish I had someone that I could be with throughout the prep and procedure while my husband stays with our 3 kids. That would make me have more peace of mind. I never get alone time. Yes I really think walking helps me. He is very helpful and when it comes to me not feeling well so I’m going to try and go more often. The only time that really works for us is at night though and it’s just been very cold. I didn’t feel well again last night. I hate that I worry and then it upsets my stomach more. Horrible cycle. I hate anxiety. It really helps to talk to people on here. Thank you.
I think you may still be IBS-C but now with overflow diarrhoea. This is where liquid food seeps around impacted stool. The thing to work on is the constipation, by increasing fibre and water intake if you can. Other tips here:
Thanks for the reply. I was wondering about this myself. Maybe I should go back to taking Miralax daily like my dr told in 2013. I did just buy a fiber supplement last night as well.
I think I have IBS -M too. For me it's milder than some people so it doesn't bother me too badly, I am glad to be able to eat some foods I like during those times when I switch over.
I was diagnosed with IBS D in 2020 because of soft mushy stools, and occasional very loose stool attacks with maybe 3-9 times a day. Bad flare ups.
But as time went by that seems to have shifted a little bit. So I can still get times when my stool is slightly more loose than it ought to be for no apparent reason! That is often followed by relative normality for X amount of time, and then out of the blue I get a bit constipated. Nothing serious, just "can't go" properly and at its worst, can't go at all.
That usually goes on for one or max. two days.
I can get rid of it by eating some foods that I like, such as carrots, beetroot, brown rice, or a baked potato with the skin! Sometimes even a few chickpeas with my steamed veg....such a treat! And usually the next day it switches back to "normal". So I go along with normal for days or sometimes several weeks then, and suddenly will get too loose again randomly, and the pattern more or less repeats.
All of this (so far, fingers crossed) is manageable nowadays. I can adjust things by what I eat.
I have learned to keep the foods that I have during more constipated days in the freezer. I wouldn't have a hope of having the right foods on hand otherwise as I usually eat different foods to keep the balance.
If you go for days being constipated, the kick back can be possibly overflow diarrhoea, or just the body revolting and giving you a super clean-out.
Yes. if either of those happen it can make you feel awful. It's difficult sometimes , I understand.
I'm sorry you are feeling like this. I just hope the investigations turn up something that there is a remedy for! Reflux is horrible. I know as I had it for a short time in winter 2020-2021.
Mucus and blood can apparently happen even with IBS, but it's best you have the tests to be sure.
The one thing I can't get my head around with IBS is why it can sometimes out of the blue, flip from one thing to another without an obvious cause/
Yea I had a normal bowel movement today without blood or mucus but my acid reflux has been awful still even with omeprazole in the morning.. I always think the worst. Thanks for your kind words. I appreciate them greatly. 🩷🩷 I think a lot of my issues stem from anxiety and stress. I have a lot going on with family issues, issues with my husband, young children, finances, etc. My heart has been heavy.
I am sorry you have what sound like difficult struggles in your life, and I do hope some of them will resolve. Life definitely throws us all sorts of things. I can understand why your "gut feelings" are not happy, Kindest wishes to you.
Thanks so much!! Absolutely. I know it always is worse for someone else, but I’m still struggling. For sure, it all goes to my gut. Thank you, that means a lot 🩷🩷
Hi. I am constipated for days sometimes 5 days then I can't stop going. I was told I have a long loopy bowel which made my colonoscopy very difficult and extremely painful. When I do go it seems I can't empty my bowels all in one go and have to make several trips. Does anyone else find this.
hello! Thanks for your comment. So since I’ve been taking fiber daily and a half cup of Miralax daily my constipation has been better so I don’t go days without a bm and then end up having multiple bouts of d. I’m still having a colonoscopy and endoscopy done on April 4 because of blood in stool and family history of ca. Did your colonoscopy just show Ibs and loopy bowel then? Are you able to just do the stool test kit for ca in the future?
Yes my colonoscopy showed loopy bowel and a few diverticular pouches. I was in a lot of pain during the procedure because of the loopy bowel. Where they pump the air in, it gets stuck in the loops and is agony. My gp will give me a (Fit) test kit if I have any worrying symptoms. I've had one recently just to make sure it's still ibs. How are you doing?
Im sorry to hear that. My dad has diverticulosis. I’m not doing well at all. I’ve been nauseous, bloated, gassy and having multiple bms daily since Friday. Some loose some hard. Idk if it’s an ibs flare up or something else is wrong. I’m really worried. I have a call out to my primary to see if they’d get me in today for any testing because my colonoscopy and endoscopy is so far out.
I understand only too well how you feel. I have had to go to A and E on a few occasions when I just couldn't bear the pain anymore. One of my visits ended up with me having an endoscopy where the consultant said I had visceral hypersensitivity which just means ibs. Yours sounds like ibs as well to me and your anxiety about it is making you worse, so try not to worry too much and your colonoscopy will put your mind at ease
There’s so many things out there now days. But I suggest a few intermittent fasting. Vitamin D. magnesium defiency correction. There’s also more dedicated like full fasting, keto, animal based diets what may help correct short term.