I have suffered from ibs for a number of years and it is slowly getting a lot worse. I have an ‘episode’ nearly every time I am going out especially if I have to be anywhere at a certain time. I have to take Loperamide which upsets my system and takes a few days to get itself back to ‘normal’! Any help or advice would be greatly received. Thank you.
ibs and loperamide : I have suffered from ibs... - IBS Network
ibs and loperamide

Imodium should help. The ibs relief one. I use this in emergencies although it does c9ntain Loperamide.
If not an option for you Mebeverine is another option but this is prescribed by GP.
My consultant after a colonoscopy recommended that I take loperamide every day, along with fibrogel, to create a balance. I buy the 2mg loperamide hydrochloride generic brands which are a great deal cheaper than Immodium, I'm not sure whether the only difference is the brand name. Initially I took 1 tablet a day for about 6 months and in the beginning it was great, I had a whole new digestive system with properly formed stools! However, after a while it became less effective, I needed to take 2 a day. I try not to take them daily now, only when I'm going out, or when the stools are just becoming too soft.
Loperamide is the only thing I've found that bulks up the stools. It appears to be safe for long term use unless you have a very high dose. If anyone has a better suggestion, I would be grateful. It seems to me that my digestive system is over active, and needs slowing down. I do take probiotics as well, ( they don't seem to work) and have a healthy diet with not much fat and sugar.
Thanks a lot for your reply. I think I will try Loperamide more regularly instead of after the ‘episode’.
I too take loperamide. I take 1/2 tab daily for years now and if going into a stressful situation I up that to a full tablet the morning of the event. Been doing this for many years. When we travel I up to a full tablet every second day along with my 1/2 tablet the odd days. I still have episodes where nothing helps but thank goodness they r rare and usually involve very stressful times in life. My doc is fine with this regiment and says if it woks continue. Ps if 1/2 tab is too much use 1/4 tablet for I used that for years before moving to 1/2 tab. At this rate I will be long gone before I get to amounts that would be harmful.
Thanks for your reply. I don’t think I can split my loperamide capsules but I have been trying one per day for the last few days. They do seem to be helping but early days yet. I just need to sort out a mild laxative to compensate for the loperamide. Oh to get back to some normality!!!🤔
Hi, I now take Psyllium Husk trice a day, 1 tablespoon mixed with 150ml water (it's important to drink a lot), some makes mix better than others I have now found one that is very good. You can also get pellets but they are a bit more expensive. This has been a life changer for me, a dietitian recommended it, I wish I'd known years ago.
I have also been on a Talking Therapy course, which I have just finished. It was also organised through the dietitian. The methods they teach CBT doesn't always work but it defiantly also helps.
It's still early days for me with these two remedies, but so far so good. I will keep my Loperamide close at hand if I go on holiday or have an important event.
Good luck to you.
Do you have IBSc or D? I've just recently re-tried the Ispaghula Husk, and in the past the Psyllium Husk, but both seem to make me a little bloated, and increase the bowel motion frequency rather than slow it down. I've also tried hypnotherapy apps, but its physical rather than mental with me. Some of my worst attacks have been whilst absorbed in a book, or watching the tv when I'm relaxed!
Hi I have IBS d, the Psyllium husk bulks my poo so I am not going 20 times in the morning, I usually get away with just once and it has almost got rid of the terrible discharge I used to have for most of the day after going to the loo. So for me it has helped, I have not tried Ispaghula Husk and at least for now do not need to. I can also be relaxed when my IBS starts up, but not nearly as often. I'm lucky that the husk doesn't bloat me or if it does I have no pain with it.
I am a long term loperamide user also & a few years ago I was going through a really tough time with my IBSD. So I started to take 2 every single day for about a year, thereafter only taking them on long journeys or places that made me anxious with toilet situations. This has helped me immensely & really seemed to alter my IBS. I would say now I maybe take only a couple each week. Anxiety & worry really sets me off, as do certain fatty foods or spicy foods, so in certain situations I take the tablet the day before & on the day. For me this really slows down my bowel movements which to be honest is a blessing & usually next day I’m back to normal.
This also works for me. I start the day before, or maybe two days before to get things slowing down. On a recent holiday, I took one each day and was 'normal' for the duration, although there was a bit of a build up afterwards, which was easy enough to deal with at home.
Yeah I’m exactly the same on holiday, usually start the day before travelling as that upsets my stomach too! I take 2 every single day & generally have no issues, so at least I can actually enjoy my holiday without the added worry. I do always check things out before travelling, so I know there are always toilets in case of the urgency to go to the bathroom, which does put me at ease too. It’s so awful, people have no idea 😕
Give Buscomint a try for a few days and if that’s no help then try buscopan. The mint must be taken on an empty stomach.
Hi sorry for your problems ,the only advice I have is trial and error with loperamide if too much is take for me ,it can then have a delay effect the following day.I tend to always carry with me the instants imodium.
I've been talking Immodium for nearly forty years on prescription from my doctor, initially one per day but over the last few years one every other day. I did try stop taking it, but my stomach cramps returned so I have kept to the reduced dose.
I’ve been on anti depressants for many years. I’ve just come off them and my IBS is much better! Coincidence?
If you have IBS-D then any anxiety (like leaving for a time-critical appointment) will make it worse, because the “flight or fight” response triggers your bladder and bowel to evacuate (IBS sufferers often have to urinate more as well). I don’t like to take loperamide either in those circumstances as it seems to store up trouble for later, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. However, I have found that convincing myself that I am worrying unnecessarily can result in the uncomfortable feeling subsiding, and I can go out without loperamide and without worrying about where the nearest toilet is! Doesn’t always work, but working on the anxiety (which, by the way, is perfectly natural) might reduce the episodes
Hi Kath, I had colonic irrigation quite a long time ago and was advised to take a digestive enzyme. I forgot all about it until the last few years so have started taking them twice a day and they seem to help. I only take Imodium instants if I'm going somewhere and have worked myself up. Unfortunately it can take 2 or 3 days for my bowels to perform after it. My doctor prescribed Amitriptalyne which I take one a day and that seems to help.
Buy loperamide tablets and just take half ie 1mg. I found after taking a full 2mg tablets it took days to get get back to 'normal. It's worth a try.
Loperamide did not take away my constant cramping pain. Only Bentyl or Levsin does that. My diarrhea is basically solid stools except they just keep coming. The worst part is the pain.