Hello and Merry Christmas to all. I am a 49 year old female. I am not currently under the care of a gastro I have just joined and wondering about a certain symptom I’m having that concerns me. I do have a history of acid reflux. It’s not always been bad but I haven’t managed it well and diet hasn’t been the best the last several years. I’ve recently had a bad bout of reflux and now I am left with a constant feeling of something stuck in my esophagus for the last few days. It’s mostly behind my breast bone area. Started taking nexium for 3 days and it gave me a dry throat so I switched to Prilosec today. I can swallow and eat fine and it doesn’t feel like food gets caught when I eat. It seems worse while not eating and only when I eat does it feel a bit better although that is short lived. It’s not pain it’s just there and unrelenting. I’ve been very good about my diet the last 3 days eating less and only non acidic food and lots of water. Seems a bit worse at night. I plan on making an appointment with gastro after the new year as I’m away for the holidays. Can anyone relate and give some advice. I’ve had kidney cancer twice and overcome that but when this happens my mind goes straight to the worst place. I understand you are not doctors and I must see a gastro and have an endo which is causing me much distress. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Happy Holidays
concerned: Hello and Merry Christmas to all. I... - IBS Network

Have you tried raising your bed, approx 6 inches at head end. It works for some and nothing to loose.
Merry Christmas to you too.
The main thing is to get it checked out to put your mind at rest, which is what you plan to do which is great.
You may find some of the information below helpful:
Good luck.
Maybe eliminate potential minor issues such as phlegm before getting the medical assessment? My dad has that and gargles regularly before meals.
Hi. It sounds like you have acid reflux and your esophagus is inflamed. I would suggest you need to see your doctor for some ppi's initially to help heal it and then monitor your food for sensitivity Gaviscon ADVANCE After meals could help you too. Also don't go to sleep on a full stomach. All the best.
hi. I tend to agree with the reply you had from Doris22 but also wonder if you might have a hiatus hernia. Raising the bed head would help for this too. There is also a condition called globus which I had once and felt similar to yours but obviously you need to see a doctor which you’re going to do after the holidays. It doesn’t sound like anything serious if you can eat and drink ok - I know what it’s like when our imagination takes off! Hopefully the medics will put your mind at rest and then I think you’ll find your symptoms will recede with the reassurance and/or any treatment you might need to settle it. Stomach acid can burn a hole in a carpet so if it comes up into our oesophagus it’s not surprising that it causes pain and inflammation.. hope you feel better soon.