Hi everyone, I have a question. I've just tried a glass, 1 glass of non alcohol sauvignon blanc and I feel terrible. Gas, bloating, pain. I have ulcerative colitis and its kicking in big time. Any one else had this?
af wine: Hi everyone, I have a question. I've... - IBS Network
af wine
It does sound like one or some of the ingredients in the alcohol-free drink has got to your tummy. It could be an artificial sweetener? Or any additive that's in the drink.
The only thing I can think of that might maybe help is something like enterosgel, Silicol gel perhaps? Or possibly activated charcoal. All those things might help because they bind to substances and get them out of the gut hopefully in a more peaceful way?
I guess you're in the UK and it's night time now and very stormy! So if you don't have any of those things at home, you're going to have to wait until tomorrow morning when you can get to a chemist's, or someone can go for you. By then, nature might have flushed all the stuff out anyway, and you just have to pick up the pieces, rest, drink fluids that are very gentle, like water, camomile tea etc
The drink has most likely irritated your gut badly and flared up some inflammation.
I don't have UC so don't know exactly what it's like to live with that. But I imagine a water fast (and suitable weak herbal tea) might help for a while, then some thin soups tomorrow, and very very light foods, like cooked eggs (poached or boiled) and mashed potatoes etc. Bone broth would be helpful if you can get any.
I'm sorry you're feeling horrid, and it's the middle of the night. I hope you will feel a bit better tomorrow, and I hope you will get some sleep.
Could you be sensitive to the sulphur dioxide preservatives that are used in wines, or if it was red, it may contain histamines which also affect some people. Alcohol free wine is made from regular wine, but the alcohol is removed.
I have IBS and have over time tried non alcoholic wines quite a few times . Almost every time it has resulted in tummy issues usually gas and “D” .
I don’t know why this happens but perhaps there are more chemicals in non alcoholic wines quite, maybe more sulphites.
I suspect you (we), will not be alone in this issue and it is a pity as some of these wines are reasonably okay taste wise .
It could be the ingredient. I can have a small glass of white wine , it doesn't cause much pain . Only if I have too much. Then it's off to the toilet I go
Last time I tried alcohol free wine (~5 years ago) I found it to be really horrible.
Maybe they've cracked the taste issue now (kind of important!).
It's a shame as I miss the taste, but I'm resigned to it, although I have a glass or two at Xmas that reminds me that it's not such a big deal. Something called NASH just crept up on me and I had no idea until it was too late for my liver to be able to fix itself.
AF beer/lager seems to work.
Yes at some time in the past (2008) I found any alcohol gave me a noise in one ear -even a sip! So I went onto alcohol free lagers, and they tasted very nice. It was the flavour of the beer I wanted more than the "kick", as an aperitif before dinner.
Not sure how they would suit me now though, since IBS, and haven't tried a beer of any kind for a long time.
I drink no added and low sulphur organic wines without too much problems. Take a look at vintage roots website for these wines.
Yes, I think it's the sulphites which can be a problem. Other drinks besides wine have sulphates. I found vodka was the only alcoholic drink I could have.
I haven't yet been brave enough to try a low sulphate organic wine.