long time IBS sufferer needing to vent, last night an hour after falling asleep woke up with all the symptoms of a vagal syncope with a BM this rarely happens to me fortunately but it's brutal when it does I ended up nearly passing out on the bathroom floor, very nauseous sweating and feeling horrendous with stomach cramps thrown in just for fun, started to feel a little better after a bowel movement crawled back to bed knowing it will take a day of rest (possibly longer)to recover ,the joys of IBS!!! anyone else get this
syncope at night: long time IBS sufferer needing... - IBS Network
syncope at night

I have certainly had flare ups which started at night. Not too many of them, maybe 3 or 4 but unforgettable ones.
I've also woken up WAY before it's time to wake up and it's still dark and felt awful. Had to rush to the loo and felt like death warmed up, and very very shaky.
I also had one time (I think just one, but can't remember if it was once or twice, now) when I felt so bad during a bm that I thought I might pass out and my heart was racing. Only the idea of dying on the toilet snapped me out of it and by sheer willpower I finished, cleaned myself and got downstairs, and when I was in the kitchen, I helped myself to a shot of brandy, which put me to rights immediately. So well that within 15 minutes I was able to walk a half mile down the lane to feed a neighbour's cat.
It took me a while to work out that was probably a vagus nerve reaction or "spasm" (or whatever it's called.) I have heard of someone who thought he was even having a heart attack and felt terrible when all he had was some trapped wind. And that was due to a strong vagal spasm, triggered by the wind in the colon!
Honestly, I don't know what I can suggest that may help you. All I can say is these awful events of my own were quite rare, and haven't (fingers crossed) happened since. When they happened to me all I did was endure it and then move on as best I could.
But I wonder if you get that frequent need for the toilet after having only just fallen asleep, because of the time you eat? So for instance, if you have a sensitive gastro-colic reflex or a super speed GI transit, then something may be triggered a certain number of hours after a main meal?
I wonder if adjusting your main meal times (difficult, I know) might stop the nightly problems, and if a meal was going to cause any upsets, it would do it earlier? Also making sure you don't eat any irritating foods. So at least you might get a good night's sleep. I don't know. It might not be related to mealtimes.
I get this but mine is usually a morning knocks me all day dizzy nausea pain in upper stomach I have ibs and bile acid malabsorption have a gastroenterologist appointment not till June next year to see wat is really going on
Hi Buggins, yes, I get his very occasionally. It is horrible, and often takes me several days to recover from extreme fatigue. A sure fire trigger for me is excess sugar. I worked this out after scoffing too much fudge (couldn't leave it alone) and as my body urgently got rid of it, I felt like I might die, skin grey and sweaty, but didn't fully pass out. I now avoid too much sugar which works most of the time. On one occasion though, I have randomly blacked out (not related to excess sugar this time, I had just eaten a veg curry) and this was diagnosed as vaso vagal syncope, in the absence of any other issues. This time, I got a head injury, hence trip to a & e.
It is horrible isn't it and comes out of the blue hope your injury wasn't too bad
My head hit the square corner of the coffee table. Didn't feel a thing, so I was unconscious before I hit the floor. Superficial, thank goodness. It was glued together with a thatch of hair to protect it. It took months to grow out. Oh, and no driving until I got the official all clear.
Something in all of the responses here is suggesting low blood sugar during the night to me, which can cause many of these symptoms due to sudden adrenaline release in response. It may be worth considering what is eaten during the last meal of the day (or any snacks after that). Is it slow release/low glycaemic index carbohydrate or quick release/refined? The former will result in a steadier blood sugar level. The latter will cause an insulin spike which can lower blood glucose too rapidly and overshoot.
Thanks I do appreciate the advice I just finished the Zoe Programme recently and did learn a lot balancing my blood sugar (which tends to spike too much) however I do know that what I experience is vasovagal syncope which is set off by my colon going into spasm with the nasty symptoms I mentioned and several BMs in the next hours after then feeling washed out and aching for a day or two
Buy magnesium sprays, used for muscle aches. Apply few sprays and massage into skin, and repeat. Very relaxing helps overall.
I can totally understand, suffer with IBS D chronic atm and awaiting further tests with GI team. On so many medications to try control and keep me out hospital. Normally wake super early hours with terrible pain and several bowel movements. Few times I've nearly passed out whilst on toilet. Dripping in sweat, trying not to be sick also. Husband helps me with BP for example dropping to 89/61 and getting meds and fluids in me. I'm also under investigation for POTS. Have hypermobility Ehler Danlos Syndrome which my specialist says when BP etc is affected triggers the response and nerves in bowels. Keep strong allow yourself the space to recover after episodes. Have a good cry, I normally do, then find that inner strength to carry on. Sending hugs and hoping your having better days atm. 🥰
yes, I get this too - happened last night actually - always in the middle of the night during a difficult and painful BM. Apparently the thing to do is keeping moving/tensing up our leg muscles while sitting on the loo to stop the blood pooling in our legs which leads to a faint. It’s a horrible thing when it happens.