IBD? IBS? CROHNS? OR JUST PARANOID?: my name is... - IBS Network

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Erinne profile image
11 Replies

my name is ‘Anton’ and I’m 22 years old.

I’ve been suffering for the last few years with symptoms such as constipation, then loose stools, muscle pains, horrific back pains stemming from under my right rib. I usually get really stressed out when travelling on a bus because sometimes the urge to use the bathroom and find one quickly is nigh on impossible. For example, when I’d travel to university, The bus journey would be fine, but the minute i got off the bus and started walking across the high street into the campus, by the time I crossed the road I’d be clenching, shaking and panicking because the need to have a poo was urgent. I feel so depressed because I cannot enjoy the quality of life that I want, I can’t walk my dog to the end of the street because I’d have “flare ups”, i can’t be more than a few minutes walk away from a toilet because it’s constant. There are days where I’m constipated and can’t go to the toilet, and even though my body tells me “I need to go” sometimes I just can’t and I end up straining uncomfortably which is embarrassing and humiliating to me.

When I have flare ups these days my stomach cramps really bad, and there’s like a bubbling feeling in my gut and when this happens my stools tend to get very loose and watery (like a dark yellow, orange, possibly bloody?) and when this happens I can never completely empty my bowel, and I cannot seem to empty my bowel completely every day and I don’t think I actually remember a day where I had a normal stool?

Today I’ve flared up and I’ve been flared since about 10:30am, whenever I stand up I HAVE TO GO, my stomach I’m clenching it cause the pain becomes unbearable. I feel weak, fatigued, I get sweats (even worse when I panic over it) and I get the shakes too. Every few minutes I’m back in the toilet and I’m in a fuddle because my symptoms seem to be getting worse by the day. My younger brother who is 6 was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Disease and I wonder if it’s possible that I may have the same thing, but I’ve been overlooked? When would you say is the urgent time to resort to A&E? I don’t know what it is going on with me, but I think it may be something along these lines.

Apologies for how graphic detailed this is, but I wonder if anyone has gone through similar?


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Erinne profile image
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11 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

Have you seen a doctor or a gastroenterologist. The latter would probably be the best, but if you are in the UK, I know this is difficult. Just see a doctor as soon as possible. It does sound like IBS, but only a doctor can make that diagnosis. There are some treatments available, such as Immodium for diarrhea, and also changes in your diet. Improvement is definitely possible. The state you are in is intolerable.

Pte82 profile image

A thiamine deficiency may be a possible cause of your symptoms. Anti thiamine factors compound the subject. Thiamine needs magnesium to become bio active yet pain, stress and diarrhea are among some of the causes of magnesium loss. If your taking a multivitamin or B-Complex increasing magnesium may be enough however be aware of three forms of thiamine , TTFD, benfotiamine and sulbutiamine, that offer high absorption levels. Always consult with your health care professional before using any supplement.





Loolops profile image

I have a lot of the same symptoms and totally understand how you feel it takes over your life completely, but 1st step is you must see a doctor the longer you have constant diaherah(excuse the spelling) thE worse your symptoms may get , my heart goes out to you being so young and living like this so please see a doctor good luck thoughts go with you x

jbrking profile image

Hi Anton. There are so many gut and bowel diseases that you really should be referred to a gastro consultant. I suffered from bouts of diarrhoea for many many years and my doctor said IBS without any proof. Anyway it got so bad as soon as I was eating the gurgling would start and I would need the toilet, watery diarrhoea. I finally got referred and was host to numerous tests, bloods, stool samples, a colonoscopy and a thing called a sehcat scan. The scan diagnosed me with bile acid malabsorption. Bile is released to digest food and any left over should then be absorbed by the body and reused. Basically mine doesn’t get absorbed. So it reaches the colon and because it shouldn’t be there the body flushes it out with water - hence the urgent, watery diarrhoea. A lot of doctors don’t know much about this so you need a referral and a scan to confirm. The other tests were to rule out any other issues. I now have binder medication. I used to live on anti diarrhoea tablets before diagnosed. Low fat diet helps as the body produces more bile to digest fatty foods. But there are also many other triggers like caffeine, aspartame found in diet drinks, things like onions, garlic, beans, salad etc. Look at bad-uk.org web and show your GP. One main cause is gallbladder removal but I still have mine and it works fine, which is why my GP didn’t think I had it. But mine was due to a non alcoholic fatty liver and high fats in blood- which was bizarre as I never eat anything fatty and I was always slim - but they think I inherited my issues.

Loolops profile image
Loolops in reply to jbrking

My problems started when I had my gallbladder removed years ago but doctors have never mentioned anything about that with my symptoms just “IBS” scan colonoscopy endoscopy bloods all clear , it’s just taking over my life planning all the time where toilets are or take codine phosphate, great for the day but then constipated for days , and then back to the runs again just can’t win 😥

jbrking profile image
jbrking in reply to Loolops

Definitely bile acid malabsorption! Gallbladder removal is a main cause of it. All my other tests were clear, it’s only a sehcat that shows it. Ask your doctor for a referral back to gastro or for a trial of a binder powder which comes in sachet form of cholestyramine (usual brand name of questran). So many people are told IBS when it is bile acid malabsorption, sometimes called bile acid diarrhoea or bile salt malabsorption.

Loolops profile image
Loolops in reply to jbrking

Thank you so much for information, when I think back it’s years and years ago I remember saying to somebody don’t do it they went ahead then months down the line they wished they hadn’t cause of the running to the loo all the time couldn’t eat anything and was worse than when they had their gallbladder defo a connection, I just get excited every time I think I’ve hit on something then it’s the worst feeling when tests come back clear

jbrking profile image
jbrking in reply to Loolops

Definitely push for a sehcat scan, it’s the only test for bam. All the other tests I had were normal, just the sehcat that diagnosed bam. It’s such an easy test too. You take a tablet and a couple of hours later have a scan which takes about 15 mins, then another scan exactly a week later. It shows how much you’ve retained. Anything under 15% is a diagnosis.

3443Ness profile image

I would recommend seeing ur GP and asking for bloods and stool samples to be taken and to be referred to a gastroenterologist it is the worse condition having IBS D I've suffered for years I am alittle bit better but I have to follow the fodmap diet and stay of certain foods and also take alot of imodium or loperamide to get me through the day but they can leave u constapated for afew days

Batteria profile image

I had it all for 41 years. Was even arrested in Italy for fouling in the wrong place. I knocked out two front teeth on Brighton prom running for the loo and voided with an audience of about twenty people. I have to say they were sympathetic and one covered me with a coat and another borrowed a pillow for me. I could write a book about the times I’ve been taken short.

You are in trouble.

First you must ask for a bam test to rule out bile acid malabsorption.

Once you get a diagnosis you can decide what to do.

In the meantime, eat some sauerkraut before every meal.

Keep your meals small. Take some sea kelp tablets before bed vs and buy an ibs self hypnosis cd.

I have been well for nearly two years now. I’ve even stopped using adult nappies. My salvation was dr Michael Mosley’s The clever guts diet.

You could use glycerin suppository before you leave the house in the morning. That should clear any faecal residue present in the colon.

If you have something really important to do where you dare not be taken short then you must fast. You can take glucose tablets to stop yourself from passing out or even suck some toffees. You are losing vital potassium so you must drink plenty of water.

We all want you to get better so put yourself first and take action today. Con amore bx

Evonne02 profile image

Omg AntonUTR, You cannot keep carrying on like this. You need to see a GP ..... ASAP !!! If you can't see a GP then go into a walk in centre. Why have you left it so long? Please go tomorrow otherwise you'll end up a lot worse than you ever thought. Some of what you've written sounds like a mixture of IBS then it makes me think of Diverticulitis. Please, please, please go to a walk in center tomorrow morning. Don't end up like me having to wear nappies for the last 10 years, and being told I'll most likely need a Colostomy bag. Please sort it out now. Take control of your health, body and life. Hope all will be adjusted and you get the help you need. Please let us know how you get on. All the best 😍

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