I was constipated, and nothing was happening but my abdomen feel bloated and a little painful~ I was on my sofa on my back watching TV, and I went to rub my stomach and I could feel like stool moving in a weird way and i just about passed out from fear! As I was feeling abdomen It felt tight and I could feel like intestines that were full of stool moving along.. Never ever had this happen before and I never heard of anyone feeling that long roll of something moving which must have been stool.. I am super thin, don't know if thats why i could feel that or can anyone shed some idea what I felt?? Thanks for any help.. was so scared !! Thanks
Has anyone experienced this?: I was constipated... - IBS Network
Has anyone experienced this?

A lot of times doctor's can push on our stomachs and actually feel how constipated we are. It's not uncommon. Have you been to a Gastro doc yet or lately?
No, but I will ask my interest about it thank you, sorry reply was late, I am in Calif. USA thanks again for your help..
Hi , If you’re thin what you saw and felt was peristalsis, your gut trying to move the material along your intestines in a rolling muscle based way with the muscles in front of the material relaxing and the muscles behind contracting, normal nothing to worry about, shows your gut is trying to get the stools moving and out of your gut.
Agree with ladybug-GPs know where to press to find the problem areas especially with us ladies as all our bits are in the same area🤭
Yes you are right about us and our lady parts I have an Interest and I will ask about the Gastro Dr. Thanks for your reply. as other reply sorry it was late, but I live in USA, Calif.. Our times are really different! Thank you
Also i am new here, and it says i have 4 replies, but i only see 2 ?? Sorry if i didn't answer to the other 2 but can't see more than the 2 ... Sorry if i missed giving 2 thank you's , just can't see anymore than these two.. Sorry
Omgggg i cannot believe this happened to you!!
I hope you are feeling better now, i cant say ive ever felt this but i can emphasize with how scary that must've been for you😬i think if your bowels were full of stool it makes sense that you could feel it. X